View Full Version : Can We Eliminate Anxiety And Panic without psychologist

09-14-2009, 08:44 AM
i have this question from a while .
can we eliminate Anxiety And Panic attacks without seeing a psychologist .
i heard many people who eliminate anxiety by them self with resolve+some books .
so i wonder if seeing a psychologist is necessary for eliminating Anxiety And Panic attacks ?

09-15-2009, 09:17 AM
My Answer so far? Yes!

I managed to beat Anxiety after a long hard fight and the success has made me a much stronger person indeed.

I have only one last symptom "derealisation" even this is not as bad as it has been lately. I had an induction to see a Phycologist last week and explained how far i have got and now i need to beat derealisation. Now all i ask is to be given advice on how to beat it from the pro's, so lets see what happens when they call me in.

The last 8 months has been hard, i remember not even being able to leave my home or my bed for that matter when it was just too much.

Just remember, no matter how bad it feels, no matter how hard life is on you, it is possible to beat Anxiety, all you need is the will to carry on.

09-17-2009, 02:50 PM
The way I see it, going about all of this without a psychologist may be the better way to go. From my experience, most psychologists are just not very good. And much of the time, they can lead you in ways that are not very helpful, such as insisting you take medication, and using treatment methods that THEY know, but which don't fit YOU. They can also come to incorrect conclusions as to what exactly is wrong, and use treatment methods which are inappropriate. But finally, most psychologists have NEVER dealt with anxiety disorder themselves. So they really don't know from experience what actually works.