View Full Version : Keeping fit- how to maintain a workout routine

09-12-2009, 05:15 PM
Keeping fit and doing regular exercise is a surprisingly good anti-depressant and anxiety reliever. Apparently it creates a certain hormonal balance in the system, according to different articles Ive read. Most people are aware of this but it can be really hard maintaining a regular workout routine in your week, and so a lot of us choose to not do much exercise, or non at all.

I just wanted to list some things that have helped me over the years in keeping a regular exercise session, 2-3 times a week.
First I believe that any fitness structure should involve an element of enjoyment. So this is something that you need to look for when your constructing your training session. This can come in a form of team sports (which in my mind is the best, given that you have the right friends), or just as a sort of personal challenge when your breaking your record running on the treadmill, or when your trying to lose weight keeping your mind focused on how happy you'll be when you see how much you dropped.
Second, I find that its good to switch routines now and then. For example I was swimming regularly for like six month then got tired of it and started running.. I think it helps to keep you from getting bored and keeps you challenged.

I would like you to think of and post some of the stuff that helps you to keep active, or otherwise the stuff that hinders you from doing any exercise.