View Full Version : GAD & PTSD & Other Anxieties + Dental Visit = Imposs

09-11-2009, 07:55 AM
Hello all, first time poster. Don't know where else to turn here so I thought I'd post my situation. Sorry ahead of time for the long post.

First, this isn't about general anxiety visiting a dentist. Everyone has that. It's understandable. I'm talking about people who ALREADY have various SEVERE anxiety problems such as myself and then going to the dentist on top of that.

I am in my early 40's and have avoided the dentist like the plague all my life. Had a childhood experience with a dentist that drilled on me w/o anesthesia and would not stop even when I was screaming my head off. Anyway, as a result, my teeth are pretty messed up and last week I had a tooth actually crack, and now I have a fractured cusp.

It took everything I had and a lot of anti-anxiety meds, but I was at least able to go to the exam. Even though I was having non-stop heart palpitations and my heart rate probably was in the 130 bpm range.

Now, I also have MVP (common but annoying), hypersensitivity to drugs or anything introduced into my body, and frequent and triggable panic attacks, even when medicated. I have NEVER had a novacaine shot before in my life, and am very concerned about the adreneline component (ephephine or something) in it and my reaction to it. I just KNOW that I'm going to have some sort of heart problems with that, whether its a physical reaction or psychological. It doesnt really matter at this point. As an example of my hypersensitivity, I've gone through about 50-60 anti-depressent medications and had allergic reactions to probably half of them, and the other half simply had too many side effects to warrant using...(I even went through a week or two through many of them as I was told your body would "get used" to it---not for me)...another example is that I've had 3 MRI's, and even though I was very medicated for anxiety, my heart went to arrthmias (not just palpitations--I know the difference), and I nearly had to get shocked back into rhythm. Fortunately it fixed itself before the machines arrived.

Back to the dentist problem--I've discussed my concerns with the secretary of the dentist and he was supposed to get back to me but hasn't yet -- been two days and the 2 hours of surgery (possible root canal and other stuff) is on Wednesday. She mentioned there was an alternative to using the ephephine(sp?) but that it was shorter acting. Even if we can think of a replacement, I still don't think I can go through with any of this.

I'm starting to think the only solution for me is a general anesthesia/knock out process but even that I'm horrified thinking about. It would have to act quick as I would probably go into full-fledged panic attack and possible cardiac arrest from the panic of losing consciousness.

At the time of this post I'm seriously considering skipping everything and just letting my tooth rot and deal with the consequences myself. Maybe just yank the damn thing using the string and door method. My regular life is the epitome of pathetic too so I haven't ruled out the absolute solution either if the pain becomes unbearable. Any advice here?


09-11-2009, 05:50 PM
Sorry to hear of you deli-ma with dentist. I have suffered anxiety my whole life, particularly at the dentist office...I have always had to to use the nitrous to get though a simple cleaning and have had to be knocked out for procedures most people are able to have while awake. I burn through Novocaine very quickly due to my anxiety and usually have to be re-injected midway through a procedure. All that said there is not much I can tell you except to discuss this with your dentist and ask about all option available, I have found being put out for dental procedures to be the best way, sure I'm a nervous wreck, but then I wake up and it is all over. Hope you find what will work for you, just do take care of your teeth, they do having a bearing on your overall health.

Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.


09-11-2009, 11:09 PM
Honestly...you should just give up and stop caring. I know it will be painfully difficult but say "so what if I die in the doctor's office who cares?"

I know that sounds kind of extreme but it works for me at times. The most impossible tasks when I face them that's how I face them. I just stop caring about it even if it kills me... I feel so horrible but I just don't give a F... anymore because the more you start worrying... the more the fear will build up. The more you avoid it.. the worse it will get. TRUST ME ON THIS. It will take every single ounce of your strength to go through with this but you WILL NOT DIE in the end. If you avoid it.. it will get worse. Your anxiety has total control over you and you need to work on changing it it slowly.

And meds can go so far before you build up a tolerance. I believe they mask your anxiety and for me I would not take that route.

I think you need to discuss this with your doctor/ or a psychologist who can assist you in dealing with this.

09-12-2009, 09:55 AM
thanks for the replies.

I think stella, you are absolutely right, and that's the attitude I need to take if I'm to get through this. I've had to take that attitude for other difficult challenges in my life as well. I guess the only flaw in the ointment with that though, is the same reason I haven't let depression take me over and opted for suicide in other past situations in my life....it is the suffering part. Don't really have a problem with dying, it's suffering through the process that causes the anxiety.

But, that's life I guess. Suffering. Not much joy where I'm at so I probably focus too much on it.

As for the doctor/psychiatrist...Ill be seeing my regular doctor monday for antiobiotics and probably more anti-anxiety meds, but I haven't been able to find a psychiatrist in my entire city of half a million people that will take medicaid patients. Its an absolute travesty. Called over 100 doctors, none will take me, and calling my local mental health department only gives me advocacy groups that never return calls or help in anyway. I'm about ready to picket my local legislators (not really)...I'm on disability too so it's ridiculous that I can't even see a doctor for medication management. But thats another can of worms I'll save for another time.

Thanks for the advice again.


PS. Anyone know why I don't get reply emails when posts are replied to?

09-13-2009, 01:09 AM
your welcome ^!

have you tried CBT? I heard it helps alot. Maybe you should try going to some sessions if you are able to find a place where they offer it.

Good luck!

09-13-2009, 02:28 PM
your welcome ^!

have you tried CBT? I heard it helps alot. Maybe you should try going to some sessions if you are able to find a place where they offer it.

Good luck!

Medicaid doesn't cover therapy. At least here. And I've had numerous CBT sessions when I was hospitalized...never helped much.

09-14-2009, 05:04 PM
Just thought I'd update....

Got some funny news just now. My dentist that was going to do the work just called me and told me he is refusing to treat me based on my medical history and referred me to a couple of "general anesthesia" dentists....not that I even want to do that, or could, or can afford.

I'm giving up and will just let my teeth rot.

09-15-2009, 05:40 PM
he doesn't want to treat you because of your anxiety? :shock:

I guess you are letting anxiety rule your life. No problem with that. Everyone is different. ;)

09-16-2009, 09:21 AM
he doesn't want to treat you because of your anxiety? :shock:
I guess you are letting anxiety rule your life. No problem with that. Everyone is different. ;)
You act like I have a choice. As anyone with an anxiety disorder knows, we don't have choices. I hear that "you're letting it control you life -- snap out of it!" line from every freakin person that has no clue what mental illness is.

And no, he's not refusing to see me because of my anxiety disorder, but because of my heart problems and hypersensitivity to medications. Please re-read my original post.


09-16-2009, 03:56 PM
he doesn't want to treat you because of your anxiety? :shock:
I guess you are letting anxiety rule your life. No problem with that. Everyone is different. ;)
You act like I have a choice. As anyone with an anxiety disorder knows, we don't have choices. I hear that "you're letting it control you life -- snap out of it!" line from every freakin person that has no clue what mental illness is.

And no, he's not refusing to see me because of my anxiety disorder, but because of my heart problems and hypersensitivity to medications. Please re-read my original post.


um I think I suffer from anxiety too. :shock:

and a matter of fact i know a person in my family who suffered from it really really bad as well... so bad she couldn't understand what other's were talking about when they spoke because of the state of DP she was in.. when she got lost going home because her head was so flucked up with anxiety symptoms.. where she couldn't even bring herself to brush her teeth in the morning... where her stomache would blow up literally and she would feel sick to her stomache... where she couldn't communicate with anyone because her symptoms were so bad.. where she would just sit there for hours near the window and stare for hours and hours on end.. where she was near the level of insanity... so ya i think I know what anxiety is like you don't have to tell my anything I don't know.. and she still managed to get well.

People do get better and recover so I don't believe in that mental "illness" bull.. sorry to say. I am not going to sit here and believe some bunch of so called "professionals" who have not gone through anxiety.. and sit here and say what I'm suffering from is a "mental illness" and prescribe me a bunch of pills and say "well you could go on your way now" and then recieve a fat arse check for prescribing me those pills..

well that's another topic so I won't get into that.