View Full Version : I did it! I'm 6 months symptom free and counting!

09-10-2009, 08:33 AM
I don't think there's a fast way of doing it, but I'm just excited that I was able to gain control of my life again. It's been about a year since I've posted on here, and I spent nearly two years of my life debilitated by anxiety and panic.

But I've finally made it to the other end of the tunnel. After learning a lot, and spending a ton of money in the process, I now have my anxiety under control. Notice I didn't say it's gone. The only thing that is gone is all the constant daily symptoms. I'm managing my anxiety well, and I've been hesitant to come on here and proclaim it because I was always afraid I'd slip back. But it's been 8 months now since I've been dizzy, which was before a 24/7 symptom for over 6 months. I haven't been to a doctor or taken any drugs in 8 months, and I haven't had a single panic attack or skipped heart beat in 6 months. I'm back at work doing my regular job again, and just overall feeling pretty good.

Good luck to everyone else out there. I know exactly what you're going through.

09-10-2009, 10:20 PM
Any Advise, I think I have been dealing with it for years, but recently got real bad, it wasn't until recently I was able to actually recognize what it is. (anxiety). Always thought it was physical.

I have a job that requires much concentration, So I have actually been out of work for about4 weeks, and plans on being out for about 6 more weeks. If I don't get a handle on this, it could end my career.

I'm seeing a counciler, reading a book. (Anxiety and Phobia work book). Also detatching from stressful thoughts, and stressfull thoughts, that once riddled me. I have actually been quite surprised how things haven't bothered me recently. Well those are the major changes, I have always been good with diet and excersise.

I'm trying to go at this MED free. I haven't taken anything (yet). I have to keep it that way. It's a catch 22, job does allow me to be on meds, and I can't work right now anyway. I have never taken any meds.

So what best got you through the hump??

Congrats on your health.

09-11-2009, 01:39 AM
Good for you, chemlabrat. nice to hear good news.

09-11-2009, 05:08 AM
Just goes to show you can win. I hope your story can give some hope to those who are having doubts on a recovery.

I beat Anxiety too :) Glad to hear that your doing well.

09-11-2009, 06:06 AM
I put together a series of videos on what I did to get through it, and a list of things that might help you that I learned over the years from trial and error and spending a lot of hours and time going in the wrong directions. I finished recording all the video last night, and should have it up today.

09-17-2009, 11:43 AM
How can we see your video?
Will you post a link?

09-17-2009, 12:07 PM
What are you doing that is working?