View Full Version : could this be due to anxiety?

09-09-2009, 07:12 PM
I have noticed that I daydream alot recently... so is that a way that my brain escapes from anxiety? Sometimes I have loss of concentration too or will do automoatic things but I'm not paying attention.

09-09-2009, 07:35 PM
I find myself constantly playing out situations that could arise in my head and day dreaming alot. While trying to concentrate i will 'zone out', its only been happening for a few months for me. Maybe it is a symptom of anxiety or the meds that go with it. -pokes forum- anyone care to tell us? lol :D

09-09-2009, 07:37 PM
I am not taking any meds but I feel uncomfortable with this symptoms. I feel like I it's weird and normal people don't feel this way.

09-09-2009, 10:48 PM
Iam not takin meds either but I do daze out a lot and when I catch my self doin it I freak cuz I'm like where I am what happened etc

09-09-2009, 11:14 PM
i don't take meds, I do day dream a lot, and think a lot in general. I think if your thinking of things that make you happy, and feel good about yourslef, even if it's so fictional. It might be your minds way of seeking health.

However, I sometimes I think it's my constant thinking that sparks anxiety. I swear, never a dull moment, I can never be bored. It's amazing. I always have something to ponder, fix, or think about. It's not good... :)

still here
09-10-2009, 01:06 AM
I have had acute anxiety since I can remember, I used to do lots of rituals(ocd) when I was a child it somehow eased the anxiety for a moment. but the best way for me to escape the anxiety was to withdraw, it prevented me from learning, making connections with people and more. Yes these were negative consequences of withdraw but at least I didn't have to experience the painful anxiety, withdrawl was my salvation my sanctuary. Ofcourse I cant do this now as i am an adult and mother. I got myself diagnosed with acute anxiety disorder at 24 tried diff meds for some time some didnt work and some made me worse. It is typical for anxiety to increase when you start on a new med and very often can cause agression in the first week.The problem is that doctors trivialise it too much and this hurts.so many times I tried new meds that gave me these symptoms initially and I always stopped taking them because doctors would not prescribe me a seditives for the introduction period so I would stop without really knowing if it would ultimately work,you usually have to be on new meds 6wks before you really know if it is at all helpful. I think that doctors are to scared to prescribe seditives even for their appropriate purpose, worried about there own arse rather than the wellbeing of the patient. I ended up giving up on my search for a cure and just thought it was my lot, and i've been fighting everyday!untill yesterday I had a breakdown I was burnmt out from fighting this thing im only 35yrs old and I feel 80. I booked myself into the mental health clinic and found an angel! a doctor who reallycared.She told me don't give up, don't loose hope there is a med for you and we will find it together and if I get negative symptoms initially she will not hessitate to provide me sedatives to get through the first week or so, this is the moral and ethical way to do it. People have done terrible things in the initial stages of a new med because unethical immoral spineless doctors havnt given them the support they need. So now I have found a good doctor I am starting my journey to find the right med for me, I know its out there and i'll find it! Im not scared to try new meds again now because I have the support that I need, I only wish I had found this doc 10yrs ago. I have started on valium for a brief period due to the nervouse breakdown yesterday, and they actually work, I wish I could stay on them forever but thats not possible. Starting a new med in a couple of days, wish me luck.