View Full Version : Are these symptoms Anxiety or Depression

09-07-2009, 05:46 PM
I`m trying to figure out if these symptoms relate more to anxiety or depression:

- heavy type feeling in the chest. The feeling used to come and go, now it`s more constant (taking a benzo drug reduces the feeling)
- having negative thoughts
- can`t focus or concentrate (not able to focus on watching a movie or reading a book like before)
- generally not feeling happy
- fearful of many thing
- cannot sleep without a benzo drug, even then I only get 3-4 hours at most
- heavy feeling in the head at times
- confusion

Please tell me what you think the above relate to in your opinion.

09-09-2009, 12:44 PM
Sounds like a mixture of both but did u know that people with depression that's left untreated can turn to anxiety maybe ur just gettin symptoms google depression and see for yourself

03-10-2010, 12:20 PM
Know the difference between normal fear and anxiety depression by learning about the symptoms of anxiety depression. its sounds to be depression.

Quoted from:

04-01-2010, 02:49 AM
These symptoms are responsible for both anxiety and depression as it happens at the initial level and very soon it gets panic if not controlled properly and person suffers from sleeping disorders too. It will be better to just focus mind in doing some thing good that will be beneficial to over come these symptoms.


04-08-2010, 08:05 AM
I have many of the same feelings. I have social anxiety and mild depression. So yes, it can be both. Talk with your doctor about how you are feeling and hopefully he can help you out.

05-21-2010, 03:54 AM
I`m trying to figure out if these symptoms relate more to anxiety or depression:

- heavy type feeling in the chest. The feeling used to come and go, now it`s more constant (taking a benzo drug reduces the feeling)
- having negative thoughts
- can`t focus or concentrate (not able to focus on watching a movie or reading a book like before)
- generally not feeling happy
- fearful of many thing
- cannot sleep without a benzo drug, even then I only get 3-4 hours at most
- heavy feeling in the head at times
- confusion

Please tell me what you think the above relate to in your opinion.

As a matter of fact, I have experienced these symptoms before and here are my opinions for what you are going through :

- having negative thoughts
- can`t focus or concentrate (not able to focus on watching a movie or reading a book like before)
- generally not feeling happy
- fearful of many thing
- confusion

For the symptoms listed above, well, since they are not caused by any particular and practical reasons / difficulties / predicaments / adversities on your part, and in fact are largely cognitive and psychological, they just appear like the symptoms of hypochondriasis - groundless anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments.

Next, maybe you can try to involve yourself with certain meaningful hobbies / activities / sports that you are deeply interested and try to mix around more often with your close friends / family to make yourself cheerful and brighten up most of the times. And sometimes a leisurely shopping trip, movie session and other outings with your close ones would change your mood for the better. And as such, just be steadfast to such goals.

All in all, don't let your thoughts and actions be dictated by any feelings / factors deemed unpleasant to you. In short, a positive change of what you think about your life is essential in improving your present condition for the better and better scenarios.

- cannot sleep without a benzo drug, even then I only get 3-4 hours at most

In terms of your sleeping problem, I believe that your mind is burdened with certain lingering thoughts which stop you from staying calm and to eventually get to sleep. In addition, you may think that the benzo drug is the only solution for your sleeping problem, and hence become dependent on it . Well, based on my experience, one would eventually get to sleep naturally so long as one's mind stays empty and think of nothing at all all the time while lying in bed. And such a rule applies regardless of whether one is a habitual user of sleeping pills or not.

- heavy type feeling in the chest. The feeling used to come and go, now it`s more constant (taking a benzo drug reduces the feeling)

- heavy feeling in the head at times

As a matter of fact, those are actually the inevitable side effects of benzo drugs which include nausea, headaches, dizziness, irritability, lethargy, chest tightness, palpitations, and in worst case scenario, akathisia.

Besides, since human bodies would tend to get immune to whatever medications, including benzo drugs that are fed to them over the long-term, such drugs would eventually lose their intended medicational effects.

Honestly speaking, based on my past experiences of taking benzo drugs for my sleeping problems, i did encounter up to one certain point of time whereby instead of getting any calming effects at all from such drugs, I just simply ended up getting only all their undesirable side effects and suffer painfully from them.

As such, my opinion is such that such drugs should be used with utmost precautions. And if possible, try to quit them permanently for one's health care. Anyway, one actually would not need medications to get to sleep after all.