View Full Version : all of my undiagnosed anxiety issues

09-07-2009, 01:39 AM
ok so i know I have anxiety, but i work about 65-70 hrs a week at my warehouse and i have absolutely no time to go to the doctors. i was hoping talking with others that have anxiety could help me understand myself a little better... it went from having anxiety throughout my teen years, to over the last 2 years [im 21] having once in a while anxiety attacks, to having them every few days! and now, over the past 6 months, slowly having anxiety issues with everything. including serious depression... i cant even go grocery shopping anymore, i used to be so social, and now because i have so much stress. ive completely drained myself and my thoughts. im about to get married and i cant even enjoy that.. i hate it so much

i cant even go to stores and shop which always cheered me up. i cant go to the mall or grocery shop normally because standing in long lines, or being around all those people, i cant think or concentrate and my heart beats wicked fast, i feel faint, omg i always feel like im going to faint im begining to think i have a terminal disease like cancer because i feel like theres no reason for this, i hate it its ruining my life. =[ i cant pay attention when it happens, i try to pretend im ok but im not, i cant think or concentrate, i feel drugged almost. anyone else?

09-07-2009, 06:26 AM
That's a severe case of attacks all the times I guess.
(If you can somehow manage to laugh on that or think of some comment on your situation on which you can laugh then you are very much okay even in that condition.)
Its' a simple case of being lonely and then falling in a habit of being so.

09-08-2009, 03:01 AM
Let me tell you when someone says they dont have time it means you have somthing more important to do. Now would you consider your health to be less important than anything else?

I also had a fear of going to the shops, simply because it made me feel much much worse. Remeber to overcome your fears you must face them as i did with great diffculty so i wont blame you if you cant face it yet. Try and get out to the shops if you can do it. A little tip that helped me was to listen to music on an mp3 while i went to the shops to create a distraction.

Dont get me wrong i know how hard this is and it took me some time to but you cant break it.