View Full Version : Much needed advice!

09-04-2009, 12:20 PM
Recently my anxiety has exploded. I have had bad anxiety for the past 4 years. I had it under control and learned how to control my panic attacks. I recently graduated from college, started a stressful job, broke up with my boyfriend, and moved back home. I could tell that my anxiety was building and building for the past 6 months but I thought that I could control it. About a week and a half ago it exploded. I was waking up multiple times a night with panic attacks, during the day I couldn't eat because of anxiety, I was throwing up, I was constantly trembling, my toes and hands would tingle, I was dizzy, I even passed out... It just got to be too much. I finally broke down and told my family and close friends. I was put on Citalopram and Xanax. I am starting up at an anxiety clinic soon. I got a leave from work and I am afraid to return. I just feel like it will never go away. Anyone out there have any advice on how to return to work? How to be social again? Books that helped? Certain activities that helped? General advice? Any advice will be helpful, I'm very lost at this point.

Midnight Sky
09-18-2009, 08:06 AM
sounds like me at my worst time. google "attack your anxiety" and check out the website. there's a program u can download that has gotten me better to the extent where i at least dont get panic attacks at home anymore.