View Full Version : Is this Anxiety

08-31-2009, 07:11 PM
Hi, im new here and suffering a long time, symptoms seem to change and I just don't know what it is. Doctor blames everything on anxiety.

My eyes get tense, I start to blink like crazy, Next I start burping then my head starts to feel real funny like I just had 2000 cups of coffee very hyper feeling and these waves like going through me, I feel scared and nervous, I start to thing bad things are going to happen by heart bet goes up, my heart beats real strong, My neck is tight and stiff and my legs feel funny sometimes like the floor moved and my vision feels strange too.

These symptoms just build and build and get to this climax and after Im just beat. Sometimes they can last half a day and they seem worse on Mondays and better on Fridays and almost non existent on Saturdays.

I would think its anxiety but I though anxiety was just a brief attack, not something that can hot you multiple times a day or for hours on end.

all my worse stres is now behind me but I just dwell all day on this thinking its my heart or my brain. Seems to hit almost same times each day.

Thoughts and suggestions I'm just suffering way to much. I don't want to use Lexapro or Paxil which has been suggested. I can have days where it is like gone and then boom.

Once in a while I feel like I have to pinch myself to see if im here, because it just seems like my feelings got lost or gone. Thank God that stopped. I also get heard pressure like a band around my head.

:x :x :x :x

09-01-2009, 04:35 PM
Omg I cannot believe it I have some of the very same symptoms, the waves and the band around your head and the not there feeling! I have so many crazy symptoms! I have yet to see a psych and I am scared to take meds but I do know the more u know about anxiety the less afraid you are! Well I cannot do it alone so I am going to the psych next week and ill keep ya posted

09-01-2009, 06:20 PM
I have lots of those symptoms, and yeah, they can come on even when you don't feel stressed. I recently started seeing a psych, i think i'm lucky and got a good one first try, my sis recommended him to me. It does help, and i tell him things i haven't told anyone. he is really good at explaining to me why i have these symptoms, and helps me calm down. and not feel like i'm dying or have a serious illness! my doctor had me on Buspar, which i felt didn't do much, and my psych thinks i should just toss it. he hasn't come right out and recommended meds for me, but did say Xanax would be better. i think getting in to see a good psych is most helpful, don't let it get worse. this forum helps too, because i don't feel so alone and freakish!

09-01-2009, 06:28 PM
When you say physc what do you mean, Phyciatrist or phycologist. Does one not give drugs and the other talk? Drugs just mask the brain from knowing and hides the eal issue and messes you up worse.

No one has answered my question yet? Can \'t belive all the views but no answers. Must no be a very friendly forum

09-01-2009, 06:33 PM
When you say physc what do you mean, Phyciatrist or phycologist. Does one not give drugs and the other talk? Drugs just mask the brain from knowing and hides the eal issue and messes you up worse.

No one has answered my question yet? Can \'t belive all the views but no answers. Must no be a very friendly forum
it's a friendly forum, just not real active. his title is psychoanalyst. i'm not even sure if he can give drugs, but he knows my dr. pretty well and could probably consult with him and get him to do it. i'm trying not to go the drug route, but there are times i think i might have to. i would not want to take anything regularly unless i absolutely had to.

09-01-2009, 10:53 PM
yes, I had these same symptoms,,,along with others. The feeling of moving is strange and it would last all day....

I saw a psychologist who specialized in cognitive behavioral therapy....it took a long time, but it really helped me.

Good luck