View Full Version : Muscle Spasms?

08-30-2009, 11:41 PM
I have been having muscle spasms in my legs and lower body for the past three nights when I'm going to sleep.

Are muscle spasms something that happens to people who are anxious?

I have a history of panic attacks and getting hives when I am anxious, but never this.

Of course I used Dr. Google, who came up with Multiple Sclerosis as a possible reason for muscle spasms. I am going to call the doctor in the morning, but for now, I just need to put my mind at ease so I can sleep.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? What did you do about it?

I just took a Xanax, so hopefully that will calm me enough to go to bed.

09-02-2009, 06:47 AM
Dont worry about this symptom it is very common with Anxiety suffers, i had this some time ago and it would not go. I found my solution to why it was happening and since then all is good.

Try taking Magnesium around 300mg a day for women and 500-600mg for men. Magnesium is whats needed in muscles to enable them to go back into a relaxed state after they tense, for example if you make a fist magnesium is required for you to be able to open up you hand again. If you are lacking in Magnesium your muscles start to tremor, normally starting with the leg and arm muscles. What happens here is that your body will take it from non vital muscles and take them to the heart and other vital organs to keep them functioning properly.

It will take a couple of weeks to kick in after you start taking them.

Cant you tell i did my research on this :roll:

Hope this helps you out.