View Full Version : arrrr!!!

08-29-2009, 07:52 AM
I am so frustrated right now!!!! Last night I had a little trouble fallin asleep! Well today when I try to go back to sleep I am so tired its like being drunk tryin to sleep uncoordination and all! Well anyways I woke up like I wasn't breathing and I paniced but it came and went so quickly I fell right to sleep anyways! Now that I'm awake I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen for some reason and I kinda start gettin light headed a little bit. And I feel nervous like I had a stroke or some thing HELP anybody experience this? Its new to me

09-01-2009, 09:56 AM
I know it's kinda late, but that has happened to me. Try taking deep breaths, and exhaling slowly, that is what my therapist tells me to do. that's the short version...there are breathing exercises for anxiety, because sometimes you really aren't getting enough oxygen, when you are anxious.

09-01-2009, 07:48 PM
Thanks for the info but can u email me those tips or where can I get them from?

09-02-2009, 03:48 AM
There is a book called The Anxiety and Phobia Work Book, that he recommended, they are in there. :)

09-02-2009, 08:38 AM
Here is a link that explains breathing exercises pretty well, there are other exercises, but this is similar to what I do: http://bipolar.about.com/cs/altercomp/a ... reath2.htm (http://bipolar.about.com/cs/altercomp/a/0304_breath2.htm)