View Full Version : Anxiety and Brain Tumor

08-28-2009, 11:44 AM
Hi All:

I am a 41-year old male who has experienced or been diagnosed for anxiety for the past 5 years. For the past 3 weeks, I have been having strange feelings of my head - sudden light-headedness that causes heart palpitations and numbness in my legs/sweaty palms. It feels like I am having a mild stroke or a heart attack. The funny thing is that I know it is caused by anxiety but having a hard time to constantly fight with and 'convince' my brain that it is only anxiety and nothing else. As to why I am having a hard time with my own brain, you may find this intriguing. It was 5 years ago on President's day when I experienced a sudden bout of light-headness that led to a lot of physical symptoms. To cut a long story short, my family doctor, a cardioliogist, a neurologist, and my own brother who is a pulmonary specialist all diagnosed me as having anxiety disorder. It was not until I insisted on a brain MRI to prove ALL of them wrong - a 2cm benign brain tumor called acoustic neuroma pressing against my brain stem! Anyways, I got that fixed, but since then every little thing can cause me to have anxiety problems. Sorry for the rambling. By writing this out to this forum and sharing with all of you actually makes me feel better.

08-28-2009, 05:59 PM
Omg really! I have this thing to where for about a hour or more I feel like my brain is fuzzy and my head is heavy and I try to say its anxiety its anxiety stop freakin out but it don't really work until I get online or take my mind off of it and then I feel rediculous! How did u get rid of that tumor? Any ways I'm still not 100 percent sure I have anxiety but everytime I take my mind off of it poof it goes away! Plus do u ever get this spaced out feel? Like ur walking around but ur body it a few seconds late from catchin up? I'm 24 bty that would be to young to have a brain tumor?

08-29-2009, 10:56 AM
The tumor treatment would require a whole different forum to discuss. But I had radiosurgery to keep it under control. I am sure you do not have a brain tumor. The odds of getting that is pretty slim.

09-23-2009, 12:11 PM
im really sorry to hear about your experience but i dont know if u realise uve just came on an ANXIETY FORUM telling everyone that your symptoms were actually partly to do with a brain tumour .I understand you probs just wanted people to be made aware and im really sorry because ino this sounds like im being disprespectful but im not.I just think its a bit bold people are on here because they r suffering some sort of anxiety issue.A common symptom of anxiety is a headache or light headedness so ino you reasurred someone above its rare but common is your aim to scare the sheer crap out of everyone!