View Full Version : severe anxiety disorder for 7 months!!!!!

08-27-2009, 12:51 PM
:( i was a witness in in very horrible court case in february and have had severe anxiety since,nothings helping,i feel like im still stuck in februaruy at the time of the court case,ive had group therapy,hynotherapy and now am trying normal one to one which isnt looking promising,i feel like im going to be like this forever,any advice??

08-27-2009, 09:03 PM
Hi Candice,

Your anxiety symptoms sound as though they may be caused by posttraumatic stress disorder. Being a witness to that horrible deed (whatever it was), and having to be called upon the stand to testify (?), is certainly frightening. Perhaps being the witness to whatever it was that happened, has you often feeling that maybe you could have prevented the event from occurring. If this is the case, you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened. Whatever the cause of your symptoms, the main issue now is, you're feeling lost and confused, helpless and fearful and most of all, you want those feelings to go away.

Joining the forum, reaching out and expressing your thoughts can certainly help make a small difference by providing you with some semblance of control in your life. It is usually preferred though, that people with PTSD consider treatment from a professional rather than going it alone.
If the therapist you presently have is leaving you with an uneasy feeling, know that you have the power to go ahead and change therapists. Treatment will be far more successful if you can find a therapist that you can trust, otherwise, you're bound to hold back and not be completely open in your sessions.

As long as you have the desire to change, you won't be like this forever. You'll make it through, just give yourself time and be patient with yourself. :)

08-28-2009, 10:48 AM
thanks,i know its post traumatic stress but no ones told me how to deal with it,is there anybody who has suffered ptsd on here before and how have they managed??,i feel like i dont even know myself anymore!,and just dont know how to get over it.im completley lost :(