View Full Version : Am I alone in being alone?

08-26-2009, 06:21 PM
As I was sitting at work today I started to wonder/worry how common my situation is. I have no friends and no one to talk to. Because of my social anxiety my family stopped inviting me to functions a long time ago. When I come home from work it's me and my cat all alone. I don't know anyone I can call up on the phone if I'm feeling down or if I just want to talk. If I'm not at work talking about work things I rarely talk at all. There has been many times I'll just come home, turn on the tv and cry. I want to be social with people, I want that in the worst way. But I guess since I don't drink or do drugs there's no where for me to go just to hang out and be around other people. I've gone to a bar and ordered a coke and get looks like I just came from anoter planet. I think that on the rare occasion I do get to talk to someone, like in line at the gocery store I am a pleasant person. I know I am polite, not wishy washy just my parents tought me to be respectful. I know I'm not attractive to look at, in fact I'm down right hideous, but can't people get past that? Why do I have to be alone all the time just because of the way I look? I did'nt choose to be this way.

I'm sorry for ranting on, just having a real bad day and don't know where else I could turn to. Thank you for reading this.

mr v 1985
08-26-2009, 06:39 PM
Hi Punisher

I dont know much about social anxiety but do you have general anxiety or panic attack disorder if so you really need to keep trying to get self out there and socializing even though it may be the hardest thing to do but it will take your mind off worrying. Have you tried prozac i know someone who was on it for a month or two and it changed there life in a great way really fast but like i said i dont know much about social anxiety

But if you need to talk im online alot just sent you Pm Give me a message sometime


08-26-2009, 07:29 PM
Hi Mr. V,
Thank you for your offer. Yes, unfortunetly I also have the general anxiety with occasional panic attacks. I think I'm finally at the point where I have overcome it enough that I can physically get out. Effexor and Xanax as needed have been helpful in this. Problem now is, where do I go, how do I strike up a conversation with a complete stranger? I am socially inept. If I don't have a specific reason for starting contact (work, services, etc) I'm clueless. I can and have recently stood alone in front of a dozen people at work and gave a 30 minute presentation, that I can do with no problems. But for me to go somewhere alone with no direction or instructions on exactly what to do is the most dificult thing I have ever done.