View Full Version : Get Rid of Anxiety with Belief in the Positive Meaning of Li

08-26-2009, 08:24 AM
Usually, a person has both favorable and unfavorable things in life. Favorable things are often difficult to feel, but unfavorable things are easy to see.

If a person only sees unfavorable things and does not feel favorable things which actually exist, then he/she may have belief in a negative meaning of life which may cause his/her anxiety.

When a person gets anxiety because of belief in a negative meaning of life (for example, some people wrongly think that life is suffering), how should he/she do?

He/she should turn to his/her parents, teachers, friends and other people who care about his/her health for help, and asks for advice. Often, a person is difficult to recognizes his/her favorable things, but people surrounding him/her can easily tell the person what things are favorable to him/her. Because a person usually do not pay much attention to his/her advantages and always wants more, but people surrounding the person greatly admire his/her advantages.

With this kind of help, the person can figure out both his/her favorable and unfavorable things, so he/she will know that the negative meaning of life is wrong. Then he/she is ready to accept the correct meaning of life – a positive meaning of life.

What is the correct meaning of life?

I think that the meaning of life should be as follows:

A person should use the power that the world gave him/her at birth and abilities got from education (training) to overcome difficulties in living and working. Obstacles are always on the way to successes that bring out happiness. Overcoming difficulties is just to remove these obstacles. By overcoming difficulties, a person will really enjoy life and promote happiness for himself/herself and all people in the world.

Belief in this positive meaning of Life can encourage the person to overcome difficulties to achieve success. When the person puts most time and energy into a normal life, he/she will avoid being disturbed by negative thinking. Soon he/she will get rid of anxiety.