View Full Version : Depression relapse or is it MORE this time?

08-25-2009, 07:36 PM
in 99, i was diagnosed with severe depression, after multiple different anidepressants, finally i was able to see a psychiatrist and was put on zoloft (which oh my gosh was a miracle pill for me).. i could clean my whole house, go to the store and FUNCTION. I was also on Risperdal. in 2001 I quit taking it on my own, mainly b/c of no more insurance and trying to find a new dr and psychristrist with No insurance just didnt work. I have been ahhh ok.
I have withdrawn socially, dont work (or if i do its for a couple mths then I no longer can handle the stress or i start getting paranoid).
I have also started having anxieity issues, ok I think i have had them for a long time, but never knew what they were. I think it goes along with my paranoia or maybe the paranoia is anxiety.
I do not go to the town unless its by major force (b/c I have to) my 19 yr old daughter makes all my phone calls, takes my kids to the dr appts or anything else they need and I just stay to home in my pjs all day.
I get online on occasions, watch tv and do whatever. I dont do well at cleaning my house anymore, i just sit and do nothing.
but on occasions i feel good and get up and do things and get my daughter to go to town with me.. I cant go by myself b/c i have issues with forgetting where I am going or where I parked (blah).. No I do not have alzheimers (i am only 37), its just a short term oh my gosh where am I or where am I going, then i have a panic attack and feel like I cant breath and then I am fine again. If mydaughter is with me, she knows I do this and i just slow down the car and she will say mom we are going to walmart or where ever and then I dont have a panic attack.
I dont have ups and downs daily, its usually a good week out of every three or four mths that I feel good about doing something (so I dont think its bipolar).
Reading symptoms on website, I would say maybe social anxiety disorder, some type of anxiey or paranoia (this part i have had for years) and definetely depression. I am going t go to the dr in two weeks, what should i bring with me? he has my past medical records, but should I maybe keep a journal? Should i ask to see a psychriatrist? Should I talk to him about my absent minded activity? Or should I just ask to be referred to a therapist and go from there?
I really want to ask to be put back on zoloft and then the referral?
What would u do?

08-26-2009, 09:59 PM
I would print out a copy of what you just wrote and take it with you, along with any other questions or issues you might be having. I find myself going blank at the docs office and wishing I could have remembered everything I should have said so take anything and everything with you that you might need. Good luck and keep your chin up!