View Full Version : Why Should We Not Have Too Much Idle Time

08-25-2009, 03:41 PM
When a person is in idle time, he/she may imagine some risk.
When the person has too much idle time, he/she may imagine
the risk bigger and bigger, and this may lead to anxiety.

So we should avoid having too much idle time. We may spend
our spare time on doing physical exercises, doing light housework,
chatting with friends, and so on.

08-25-2009, 04:00 PM
When a person is in idle time, he/she may imagine some risk.
When the person has too much idle time, he/she may imagine
the risk bigger and bigger, and this may lead to anxiety.

So we should avoid having too much idle time. We may spend
our spare time on doing physical exercises, doing light housework,
chatting with friends, and so on.

"May imagine some risk", the problem is, regardless of what I imagine it comes.