View Full Version : first post... need help

08-24-2009, 11:57 AM

I think I have some sort of anxiety issues, and it is on the verge of tearing my life apart. Basically it all boils down to me having feelings that my wife is having (or will have) an affair. I believe in reality this is false, although I can't seem to shake this feeling, which I think may just be some serious anxiety.

My heart will start racing, I can't control my feelings when it really kicks in. I'll see something that is perceived as being unfaithful, but afterwards it always seems to not have been sinister after all. I just don't know what to do anymore.

My fear is that she's having an affair, and that our nice little family will be destroyed. I think the reality is probably that my fears are unfounded, and my anxiety / paranoia will be what could really break us up. I find it hard to function when I'm going through these waves of anxiety.

I could potentially see this costing me my job, my family or possibly my own life if I can't get these feelings of severe anxiety under control. I have seen a therapist, but am not on any medications. I've been excersising regularly for over six months, and changed my diet quite a bit, which has helped in some ways, but lately the anxiety has been stronger.

I mean, to give you an example. My wife had two children within the last two years. Last night, she bought some new, more revealing underwear (the first new underwear she's bought since she was pregnant the first time around). My Jealous / Anxiety crap kicks in, and I start wondering if she is buying them for some other guy.

Why can't I just get this out of my head? I'm waiting for a call back from my therapist, but I just feel like I need someone who understands what the heck is wrong with me, to talk with..

Thanks for reading..

mr v 1985
08-24-2009, 04:12 PM

I think I have some sort of anxiety issues, and it is on the verge of tearing my life apart. Basically it all boils down to me having feelings that my wife is having (or will have) an affair. I believe in reality this is false, although I can't seem to shake this feeling, which I think may just be some serious anxiety.

My heart will start racing, I can't control my feelings when it really kicks in. I'll see something that is perceived as being unfaithful, but afterwards it always seems to not have been sinister after all. I just don't know what to do anymore.

My fear is that she's having an affair, and that our nice little family will be destroyed. I think the reality is probably that my fears are unfounded, and my anxiety / paranoia will be what could really break us up. I find it hard to function when I'm going through these waves of anxiety.

I could potentially see this costing me my job, my family or possibly my own life if I can't get these feelings of severe anxiety under control. I have seen a therapist, but am not on any medications. I've been excersising regularly for over six months, and changed my diet quite a bit, which has helped in some ways, but lately the anxiety has been stronger.

I mean, to give you an example. My wife had two children within the last two years. Last night, she bought some new, more revealing underwear (the first new underwear she's bought since she was pregnant the first time around). My Jealous / Anxiety crap kicks in, and I start wondering if she is buying them for some other guy.

Why can't I just get this out of my head? I'm waiting for a call back from my therapist, but I just feel like I need someone who understands what the heck is wrong with me, to talk with..

Thanks for reading..

Dude you could have a paranoia issue i had this along time ago due to smoking alot of cannabis and ended up in a bad way now ive dealt with this ive just been gettin anxiety and panic attacks tryin to deal with this the best way i can

but tbh just be more confident in yourself and and dont worry so much about this

08-24-2009, 04:46 PM
I do understand what you are feeling although not to the extent that you are. There may be several reasons for feeling this way. For me I have always thought it is due to a lack of self esteem or a poor self image. Another reason could be society in general. It seems that everywhere one looks, men and women are being unfaithful.

Have you mentioned anything to your wife about this? Did she say anything to you about her new underwear?

kim robin
08-25-2009, 01:16 AM
I think punisher is right. You should discuss your problem with your wife and tell her everything in this way your anxiety will slow down.

08-25-2009, 02:56 AM
this is more paranoia/jealousy than anxiety ask her.