View Full Version : need some reassurance

08-23-2009, 10:16 PM
I will try to make a long story short. My problems started about 5 years ago. One day out of the clear blue sky I all of the sudden felt shakey and like I was going to pass out made it to the house and wound up on the bed sure I was having a heart attack Thats where it all began. In the five or so years since then it seems my symptoms like to evolve every so often. I was on PAxil I hated it it made me into someone else. Tried Lexapro didn't really help much just made me lazy,tired and fat. I've been off meds for about a year I was doing okay I still had symptoms and bad days but was feeling like I had some control over things. I recently got layed off and my life has been hell since then. I have had more attacks in the past 3 weeks than I've had in the past 5 years. But heres the thing, Alot of people on here talk about having stressful lives and that being the cause of their anxiety. My life is not stressful I was only working because I wanted to. My husband and I will be fine without my paycheck. I don't have any kids to worry about. My latest symptoms are foggy vision, frequent headaches, digestive problems like acid reflux and gas,(a constant need to belch even though I can't which makes me panic because it makes me feel like I'm not breathing right), tightness in throat (it feels like I have something tied around my throat) it feels like someone is pinching my arm (the left one) pain in my upper back (right side)no appetite (feel like i'm going to choke when I try to swallow) feel like I want to cry but can't, short of breathe like I'm suffocating. This has been happening everyday sometimes 3 times a day for the last 3 weeks. I am miserable I feel like I can't do anything. I think that if I could just get out of my own head I would be fine. Just tell that pathedic little bitch to shut up. If I keep telling myself that I'm strong and nothing can hurt me sometimes I win but I'm sad to say that most of the time the panic wins and I basically just try to hold on and breath. Does this sound like panic to all you more experienced people out there. Just went back to the doctor he gave me Cymbalta and Xanax The problem is that having an allergic reation to medicine is one of the things that I'm afraid of and I know that as soon as I swallow that pill I'll be sitting in the bathroom dumping cold water down my back begging god to help me. On top of that swallowing pills is another area of concern. THe last time I was prescribed an antibiotic I had to chew them up because I would have a panic attack just thinking about taking them( they tasted awful). So I have medicine to try and help myself and I'm scared to take it. Please someone help me feel better about this. No one in my family seems to understand what I'm dealing with here. I feel like I've been battling some enormous monster for five years with every ounce of strength I have Even though I feel so weak for having all this stuff holding me back making me scared I know that I'm actually extremely strong because I've been fighting this for 5 years although I've been getting my butt kicked I'm still here trying I just wish it would go away But I'm getting worse and lately I'm feeling like I'm getting way out there and I feel like I'm pretty mentally ill. I hate that I have to be like this. I'm afraid that I'm going to be agoraphobic soon if I don't do something about it. I'm afraid To go out if its to hot, I'm getting super paranoid about swine flu and germs, I freak out if I get stung by a bee (fear of allergic reation) have problems driving, aware of every tiny change with my body, worry constantly about house catching on fire, worry about my pets well being constantly. I f someone could please offer me some advice I could sure use some. I have given up coffee sodas anything chocolate and I don't eat sweets I've been off coffee, chocolate and sweets for a long time sodas are fairly recent Can't seem to manage putting down the cigarettes (Maybe one day) I'm just in really bad shape right now and I could just use advice on the meds and what I can expect after starting them I don't think that right now anything could make me feel worse than I already do.

08-24-2009, 03:36 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum.

It sounds like you are going through hell :(

Many people here will also share your problems and are fully aware of how difficult Anxiety can be, which often gets the better of you.

I was in the same situation for several months and i only now sit on one symtom which is de-realisation often refered to as Brain fog.

The place where most people start is their Diet, cutting out suger, cafine and fast foods. The idea here is to give your body what it needs to recovery and gain strength to battle your symtoms. This worked very well for me and its an easy step to take.

We are all differant so what works for me might not work for you however i believe the best way to tackle Anxiety is by targeting one symptom at at time.

08-24-2009, 03:37 AM
Hi, I have been dealing with anxiety for about three years and I can tell you that everything you're experiencing is normal. And I know that it sounds crazy to call these awful issues normal but rest assured they are. I too have a fear of pills. It makes me anxious to think about possible reactions and side affects to where I talk myself out of taking them. Please talk to your doctor about all of your concerns and remember that you are not alone. For me, it helps for me to come on here just to know that others are going through the same thing. Even though there might not be obvious stress there might be something tucked away in your mind. I don't ever have anything in particular that is stressing me out when I get attacks but there is probably something in the background. Keep your chin up!