View Full Version : A Lack of Control Over Myself

08-23-2009, 03:46 AM

During my first important exams in 2006, I developed signs of stress. I had heart palpitations, I couldn't sleep well if at all, I got ill (flu and tonsillitus both twice during the different exam periods), twitching of the body (to the point of limbs actually JUMPING, which is very embarrassing if you're sitting in a silent room with 100 students or so), etc...

I've now finished my exams. Got the exam results and three days ago and was hoping it would be all over but I think the exam stress has impacted on who I am more than I thought. Over this period, my already existing fears/anxiety/paranoia have/has heightened.

I've broken down at the thought of going outside or getting a job (although I am able to speak about it now for a short period without sobbing!), I don't like going anywhere new on my own, I get very nauseous when meeting new people, I feel like a failure in the short life I've lived (I'm nineteen-years-old) and I have become increasingly paranoid about what people think about me + more.

Because of this, I'm getting more physical changes of anxiety and uncontrollable outbursts of emotions. People are even starting to ask me how I am, so I must look like I'm a mess too!

Professionals that I've seen across this period have all said that there's little I can do (regarding stress, they said that I feel too much pressure from everyone around me) and that I should just ride it out basically. But I am SURE I'm getting worse (I feel like I'm losing myself) and I don't believe them that there's nothing I can do! Has anyone successfully reduced similar problems?

08-23-2009, 06:03 AM
Sounds like you need the advice of some different professionals!

While I don't want to diagnose you or presume to know all of what you're feeling, there are a few things that can make you feel a bit better. Aerobic exercise and proper nutrition are good. Cut down on or completely avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and sugar. You might want to take up meditation as well. Journaling can also grant people relief. Finally, rely on your friends and family. Don't withdraw from them; tell them how you feel. Just having someone to talk to who cares about you can be a tremendous relief, especially if you are feeling frightened and isolated.

If your stress continues to be unmanageable, you may wish to seek out professional help - meds and/or therapy. These work best in conjunction, though of course either should provide you some measure of relief.

08-23-2009, 11:41 AM
Thanks for the advice Nausea!

I already do what you've said regardless. Apart from I don't eat much if at all (I'm not hungry), I don't take medicine and I've never thought about journaling! That's a good idea as I think my main problem is about not having anyone to talk to. I try and talk to some people but they're either not interested or they don't have the time, which is fair enough. The only person I speak to who cares is my boyfriend but he's been away for a month now. I don't particularly like speaking to him about my troubles anymore because there's not much he can do and I think he's getting tired of hearing about all my troubles. Don't want to put a downer on him, he's great though for the five years that I've known him he's really helped me a lot. So, I think I'll start a journal today in fact! Thanks, x