View Full Version : why do i keep feeling like this?

08-23-2009, 02:06 AM
Even though I have been to the cardiologist, psychiatrist, psychologist and been reassured time after time that it is just a panic attack, why do I keep believing that I am dying?? My heart palpitations and stress are really bad at the moment, even though I shouldn't be stressed at all! I am on 100mg zoloft a day, which is good, however, I am beginning to like a half a glass of wine each night to relax me. I hide it from my family, and chew on a piece of ginger after my drink, but I am worried that i will begin to rely on the half a glass to get through life and create a new bad habit. I have had an eating disorder, and OCD as well in the past. Any suggestions?

08-23-2009, 05:20 AM
I was under the impression that a glass of red wine each night was actually good for you. And hey, if it calms you down without adverse side effects, go for it. Half a glass of wine does not make you an alcoholic.

You might consider switching meds if zoloft isn't helping you, either to another SSRI like lexapro or paxil, or supplementing with something like lorazepam or ativan when your nerves get really bad.

I know the sensation of imminent death is quite convincing, but it is really just a panic attack (in fact, one of the signature features of panic attacks). In the midst of an attack, the thing to do mentally is just remind yourself that what you are going through is temporary and - in reality - harmless.