View Full Version : Lexapro

08-22-2009, 07:55 PM
I am new here and would really like some advice on Lexapro. A bried history on me. Been fighting anxiety/depression for several years and refused to try any SSRI. Finally after a long fought battle I wound up in the ER two weeks ago. No color to my skin, rapid heart beat, nausea and chest pain. Thought it was a heart attach and I felt HORRIBLE.

All tests came back fine. Blood work was fine. ER doc told me to seriously consider SSRI. I finally gave in and began taking Lexapro Thursday morning. I realize these take 2-4 weeks to begin working but I was hoping someone could give me their HONEST opinion on these things.

Im taking 10mgs a day and so far the only adverse effect I have noticed is that I am jittery and have a foggy head. I've done all the typical research on the internet concerning SSRI's but it is difficult to find actual people that are currently taking them.

DO THEY WORK! Is it worth the 2 week adjustment period? Will they turn me into a zombie? THanks in advance for any help. :(

08-22-2009, 09:03 PM
I was on Lexapro for about 4 years. I found it to be the best medication for anxiety that I have ever been on. I would still be on it but as some meds tend to do, it just stop working for me.

I also suffer from IBS and it never affected my stomach and did not require me to take it with food. It took about 4-5 weeks before I felt any improvement.

As far as the negatives go, I did gain some weight, about 35 pounds. I also began to grind/clench my teeth while I slept. It also distanced me from my emotions. Thats the best way I can think of to phrase it. Some of the things that should have hurt me emotionally did'nt, or did not feel as bad as I think I would have had I not been taking the Lexapro. My divorce for example, I think I cried once.

Overall I think the posotives outweighed the negatives. Your experiences may vary. Make sure you follow up with your dr. as scheduled.

08-22-2009, 11:58 PM

I have just been given Lexapro as my first medication for anxiety (only found out a year of torture may actually be anxiety), as of yesterday.

So I am in the same boat as you, very interested to see how it works and if I have side effects (I threw up the medication yesterday as it made me extremelly naucious, but as of today, I have kept it down).

I'll keep you updated if you like.