View Full Version : HELP!!!!!!!!!!

08-22-2009, 09:57 AM
Hello everyone....my name is Rich, I'm a new member here....I posted a topic in the Welcome section introducing myself....for the past 6 months now I have been feeling off balance....its strange....it's not a social disorder because I have this feeling everywhere I am....even in my comfort zone. It started when I came back from Florida via plane. I had never been on a plane before. It freaked me out!!!! But my whole stay in Florida went very well. My symptoms struck me a day or two after I came back. I went to my family doctor to see if it was a inner ear problem perhaps, and all he said was "It's stress." However, this doctor has misdiagnosed me on several occasions...one time I had mono and he said it was strep throat, so I'm not exactly sold on his opinion. Does anybody else feel this?

Headache in back of head
Neck ache
Back pain
Muscle tension
Off-balance; not necessarily feel like falling over, I just don't feel 'all there'.

Any help/advice would be GREATLY appreciated....this is really wearing me out here.

08-22-2009, 09:58 AM
P.S., would it do me justice to see an ENT??

08-22-2009, 09:09 PM
All the symptoms you describe I have had at one time or another due to anxiety. I would strongly recommend you get a second opinion. It sounds like due to previous experiences you may not have full confidence in your Dr.

08-23-2009, 09:17 AM
thank you for your advice.....i'm in the market right now to see another doctor. If you don't mind me asking, how long did your symptoms last for? Or Have they not gone away?