View Full Version : Venting

02-23-2006, 08:51 PM
I just thought it would be good to get some of my story out. I've been suffering for years. I don't just have anxiety. I'm borderline and have had problems with cutting, depression, paranoia. I get through the day because I have to for my child. My husband says I'm a strong person, but I feel like I just want to sink. My anxiety is very strong. I'm scared of people. I worry constantly thinking they are making fun of me or thinking bad things about me. I keep all the curtains shut because I think people are watching me. I've had doctors and relatives tell me, "It doesn't matter what people think of you." But IT MATTERS! It matters so much that I can't do things that normal people do. I can't stand myself sometimes because I don't want to be this way. I hope someone uncerstands how I feel.

02-23-2006, 09:03 PM
hey welcome to the site sorry to hear bout all those problems not sure what u mean by borderline but neways r seeing anybody or on any meds? i mean just talkin tosomebody really helpsi knowthissite is great for that i hope ucanfindcomfort here we all have been throughdifferent stages of anxiety and someeven depression its sounds like you have a husband that really cares for you and your children really need there mom i've been dealinwith my anxiety for awhile i go through tough times but i always keep the fact in my headmy family loves me and i'm stronger than this i hope your still not cutting yourself that really doesn't solve much accept causing more pain :cry: u've always done the whole paranoia thing still do a little bit i mean i'm completely paranoid about just losing my mindand freaking out but i make it through it sounds like you have alot to live for and as far people judging i mean so what i know u think it matters but your opinion of yourself is all that countsand i know right now i know you probably don't think much of yourself but can make it through and overcome this fear people can be cruel yes but also theycan be very kind try not to takeall the bad out everything i really hope you findrelief and continue to battle this head first because your the only one that can make yourself better you have to want to andkeep telling yourself that but good luck keep fightin and keep us posted here really hope have a good day :D