View Full Version : Is there any time of day you feel better?

08-21-2009, 08:05 AM
I have noticed that some of my physical symptoms lessen toward the evening. Especially dizziness and nausea. Those seem to start in the AM, after my shower, and then off and on thru the day. I wonder if this is because light can be a stressor for anxiety. Maybe I should sleep in the day and live my life at night! Not real do-able, no 2nd shift at my job, and I guess that would be running from my anxiety!

08-21-2009, 12:51 PM
I feel my best when I wake up and am in bed. It's warm and cosy and I'm at my most relaxed.

As soon as I get up everything sucks until next morning. :(

08-21-2009, 07:35 PM
Sometimes bed is good for me, and my place to hide from everything. But other times, I lay there and worry, with my stomach in knots. Sometimes TV helps.
Tonight I am home alone, playing music and cleaning, having a beer. Earlier hubby had anger issues changing brakes on truck, yelled at me and saying ridiculous stuff, which upset me and I finally went off at him. He sent me to auto parts store twice and I was having lots of anxiety. He doesn't understand. Then I went grocery shopping, had some symptoms. I was starting to do OK, when 3 loudly screaming small kids started running around near me, banging into my cart, grabbing greeting cards from the racks where I was looking. Ugh!

08-22-2009, 04:24 AM
hi cindy! :)

feeling worse in the morning times or late at night (like waking up in the middle of the night) can be down to low blood sugar. low blood sugar can cause all kinds of symptoms including anxiety and panic attacks or symptoms like heart palpitations, nausea, breathing difficulties that can make us anxious and lead to panic attacks.

often people with blood sugar problems will find they feel worst in the morning and better later on in the day because as the day goes on you eat more and your blood sugar starts to level out again taking away the anxious feelings.

if this is your problem then it's pretty easily avoided by eating breakfast as soon as you wake up, never skip it or delay it for very long. and make sure it's a good wholesome breakfast like a boiled egg and wholegrain toast, not a sugary cereal or a big cup of coffee!

perhaps you should try having breakfast before you shower? or do what i did for a long time and keep a banana by your bedside and eat it as soon as you wake to tide you over until breakfast time, it can really help.

i don't know if this is your problem, but it's worth a shot, it has helped many people :)

if you'd like to read a bit more about this stuff and lots of other things you can do to help then take a look at this other post i wrote: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i hope this helps a bit :)

08-22-2009, 04:47 AM
Thanks. I have had low blood sugar readings in the past, so I already do pretty good about diet and eating regularly. Never skip breakfast, usually eat before the shower. If I wake up hungry at night, I eat something. I'm probably too aware of it at times! This has really interfered with any hopes of weight loss! There are times when I eat and eat and still have symptoms, but blood sugar is normal. So which came first, low blood sugar or anxiety? I think anxiety- as early as 8 yrs old, I had stomach problems that the dr. said was due to too much thinking and worrying. I had kind of a weird childhood. :roll:

08-22-2009, 05:33 AM
I wish there was an "edit"! I wanted to say I am finding your article useful. I have to finish later though, I'm leaving until tomorrow. A lot of it is stuff I've already studied or been told by my therapist, and have found useful- but I saw a few things I didn't know, too!

08-23-2009, 08:30 PM
for me it's about 7pm when i know nobody's going to ring me or contact me unless I have to be be somewhere the next day then i'm stressing out over it for at least 2 days prior to it.

08-24-2009, 10:04 AM
It's always worse in the Morning for me and then it gets better throughout the day. I thought it maybe blood suger as Northstar has mentioned but i had that checked out and monitored daily as ok.

I think it has something to do with my brian/mind being in more of a tired state. Who knows but its better than it getting worse throughout the day i guess.

08-30-2009, 06:35 AM
i find that there is no good part of the day for me and the only way to calm myself down is to play video games. i'm not telling u to do this but it takes my mind off things for awhile.

08-30-2009, 07:24 PM
i find that there is no good part of the day for me and the only way to calm myself down is to play video games. i'm not telling u to do this but it takes my mind off things for awhile.
Certain distractions help me too, unless I'm in the middle of a really bad attack.

08-30-2009, 08:40 PM
I've been playing recently with scheduling around my circadian rhythms to see what times of day I can feel a difference. Personally, I've found that I feel much better between about 1am and 5am.

Before 11am or noon, I'm nearly useless at anything and my anxiety is way worse. Then, starting in the late afternoon or evening I start feeling better and I am much more productive.

I'm a night person with a sleep disorder so I'm sure I'm not in the norm, but I just thought I'd share my experiences.