View Full Version : dizziness/numbness in head

08-19-2009, 07:37 AM
i hope someone can help me. ive already diagnosed myself with the worst possible things and im terrified. from the second i step into my office..i get dizziness and numbness in my head. not dizzy to the point of fainting but like my brain is swooshing around in there. The dizziness stays with me all day. when i go home and lie down on the couch it slowly goes away. Im scared its something awful. i went to the doc and she says she thinks its anxiety and again tried to put me on meds but i dont want meds..i want to beat this myself if possible. she referred me for a cat scan of my head (she thinks im crazy) but my friggin deductible was so high and i couldnt afford the cat scan. I have become depressed and worried all the time..my husband knows about the dizziness but he blames stress. is it possible to stress internally even though on the outside youre calm? please help !

08-19-2009, 08:07 AM
Hi Joie,

I had this for sometime and was very worried about how i felt. This went on for months for me.

What is your diet like (honestly)?

Do you think you maybe under any stress at the moment?

If this does turn out to be Anxiety then try your best to ignore your symptoms the best you can as it will make it worse, its like feeding Aniety when you pay it attention.

Have you realised where your dizzyness is worse? I know you seem to get better when you lie down helps but do you find it gets easier when you are at home in general?

08-19-2009, 11:21 AM
thank you for responding. I find that when im at work its the worst. i work for lawyers and am the office manager so i hardly get 1 seconds peace. when i get home, its still there until i lie down. my diet basically consists of eating whatever i want. i eat out alot and have alot of carbs. I cut out caffeine though..it makes me crazy when i have it. When i wake up in the morning im fine until i walk into my job. im worried sick (literally). I know i have a tendency to overthink and my mind is always going. I just got back from las vegas where i felt completely fine. Could my worry be warranted? should i get the cat scan? im freaking out here. thanks for listening.

08-20-2009, 06:31 AM
Intereseting that you feel ok in the morning and it gets worse at work. Have you looked into your blood suger levels? Try cutting out suger as much as you can to see if that has any effect on you, remember many foods contain high suger levels aswell as drinks.

It could also be stress related by hard to say at this point but, to say it gets worse at work maybe a signal it could be linked.

Overthinking is common with people who worry all the time about their heath, and can lead to what i ended up with, De-realisation which depends on other thinking and worry to make it worse, this is very much like dizzyness. Try to find some distractions from your dizzyness, i know its not easy.

Another thing that has crossed my mind is that when you lie down, the inner ear fluids are in a totaly differant possition, so it may be a good idea to have your ears checked too.

Meds: If you find that its too much and you need some help try "stemetil" this is great for dizzyness, just ask your doctor for some.

Just out of curiosity try having a shower next time you get home from work and let me know what happens. I will explain when i come back "im at work now shhhh" :)

08-20-2009, 07:21 AM
thank u so much for your insight. I will try the shower and i was thinking to go to the doc to check my ears too. last time i was there a few months ago, the doc said i did have fluid in there so that could be a contributing factor. Maybe i should also look for another job ha ha. thanks again for your help. its very much appreciated.