View Full Version : Effexor and Benzo's

08-18-2009, 11:27 PM
This is kinda bragging but still might be interesting to some, i've never been addicited to anything I quit smoking after 3 years just cold turkey walked away and was able to smoke socially months later for 1 night no problem and not even think about them again.

I was on Benzo's for 3 months solid taking them every day one day i decided i had enough just stopped, absolutely no side effects what so ever none at all.... this is the same for every drug i've ever taken.

however, effexor is the only thing that i had issues with going cold turkey, after stopping taking them I just felt like crap, my head was heavy and felt generally ill this lasted for about a week and eventually felt fine again it felt like a head cold...... but not once did i want to go and take another tablet

So of all the most evil drugs, Effexor/Efexor is the worst and If i felt that and i've never been addicted or had withdrawell symptoms from any other drug i've taken, I really can't imagine what someone else who is more prone to addiction to these drugs would be like....