View Full Version : my left tonsil feels swollen , lump in the throat? ,

08-18-2009, 08:31 PM
hey guys

Im new around here

Im someone with history of panic attacks , anxiety + stress,

I recently 1 week ago started to have this weird Left swollen TONSIL / LUMP in the throat feeling

I want to check if anyone had that before???

My symptoms are.

1.feeling of having a Lump behind my LEFT tonsil + swollen feeling(no irritation pain...)
2.lump in the throat
3.lump in the tonsil that seems to move to the throat from time to time....
4.sometimes i need to clear up my throat to make ''space''
so i burp , or i just reverse my swallowing motion to get my throat ''FREE''....
5.No sore throat
6.no fever...
7.the minute i drink water i feel it again

Yesterday i had this feeling of lump in the throat + left tonsil swollen
for more than 4 hours non stop
and it's been lasting for 2 days in a row now that it comes & go.......

Does anyone had that before????

it isn't staying 100% of the time so i am not paniking but .. when the lump feeling stays there for a good 10 20 mins i start to breath harder by the mouth and = doesn't help it at all....


08-19-2009, 07:07 AM
Do you mean a "lump in the throat" feeling more metaphorically, which I sometimes get and I don't think is anything too serious. Or do you mean a physical, persistent lump - one that could be seen. Just to reassure yourself, in the latter case, you might want to have a doctor look at it and tell you what it is. In all likelihood it's nothing serious. I have a lump on my inner lower lip, and of course I went through typical anxiety-logic (CANCER!), then decided to head over to a doctor to get it looked at. Turns out it's just a completely harmless fluid build-up that will go away as long as I don't keep bugging it.

Anyway, if you have a physical thing giving you concern, heading over to the Doctor to have it looked at isn't necessarily

08-19-2009, 09:46 AM
thanks for awnsring

but i always try to keep a certain logic before going to see a doctor
because since they know i got anxiety + stress they seem to put 90% of everything i complain about on that

so after losing maybe losing a day worth of life in waiting in the emergency room

I toll myself the only time i will ''ask for their help is when i cannot breath at all and i faint'' or im losing all my blood lol.

so right now

I know it comes & goes
and if it would of been more serious i would have fever + it would have been 10x worst so...

i think ill wait a little but if it doesn't go away ill consult asap!