View Full Version : Anxiety in me and my dog

08-17-2009, 07:47 PM
I just figured out I have anxiety disorder a few months ago. I don't know what triggered it, but I worry a lot. I had a couple episodes a few months ago but nothing since, but I am afraid its coming back. My parents are on vacation this week and I have to take care of the dog. He is old and I love him to death cause I grew up with him. He whines when she is not here and he does it almost non stop, which makes me get worried something is wrong. I look after him some nights when they go to concerts and he does whine most of the night until she comes home. I went to the vet to get some calming pills and gave it to him today and it seems to be working, I think. I can't stand being at the house cause when I see him I get sad because I think somethings wrong with him. Well, I had to get away and stay at my aunts cause I was getting lonely myself and the dogs crying was getting my all worked up. So here I am now thinking about the dog and thinking about myself getting an anxiety attack and its hard. My mom was kind of my person to help tell me its alright but she is away on a cruise and I don't want to call her and get her all worked up. I think I have become obsessed with thinking the dog is in pain or something and I just can't go to the house and stay there cause it gets me all worked up being there so I am not sure if his medicine has calmed him and I think I am the one that needs it too !

08-17-2009, 08:41 PM
I've heard alot of good things about the Dr.back flower remidies, they make one thats specially for pets. I love the rescue remedy myself, you might wanna look into it for you and your pet. try googling "Dr. bach"

08-18-2009, 09:30 PM
The vet gave me some calming pills for him and it seemed to make him a little sleepier, but when he would wake up he would just keep whining at me. I think it's me that makes him whine cause when he is with my sister he doesn't do it as much. Anyway, all it does it get me worried and I usually go to my aunt's house to escape it to maybe help both of us sleep better. Now all I keep thinking is I abanonded him and all he wants is someone to keep him company, but I can't do it cause it hurts me to hear him whine so much. Also I have thoughts that I left something on at the house or something like that and I will cause a fire. Ughhh

08-21-2009, 07:52 AM
The dog sounds like it has separation anxiety. My dog has it. So much for the big ol' tough pit bull image! It's pretty common, and probably nothing to do with you, other than maybe the dog senses that you are anxious, too. Just do your best until they get back. Try to have short, happy visits with the dog.