View Full Version : What are my options now?

08-17-2009, 04:20 PM
I tried using Cipralex for the first time for one week at 10mg daily, but was having way too many side effects such as burning sensation in hands and feet, muscle stiffness in one of my hands, a lot of sweating and bad panic attacks. I was hoping this would work for me because a lot of people say it's a drug with the least amount of side effects. What other drugs would you suggest I consider taking? Has anyone else had to stop taking Cipralex and go on something else? ...I'm so disappointed, any feedback would be welcome.

08-18-2009, 10:13 PM
That sucks to hear. Cipralex probably has the smallest side effect profile of the SSRIs. I was on 20mg for a few months and had no issues, but on the other hand it wasn't really effective for me either.

I know thatrecent studies and meta-analyses often rank Zoloft up there in terms of the tradeoff between effectiveness and adverse effects. Maybe that would be worthwhile.

Best of luck.