View Full Version : Head fog and exercise

08-17-2009, 03:28 AM

I have been experiencing blurred vision, pressure in head, blocked ears and nasea for the last month and it is pretty much with me most of the day everyday. I have been told this is normal for anxiety so I have tried not to worry about it too much.

I have been quite inactive since I first got anxiety ( prior to this I was a gym junky)and thought it might help my head if I start exercing again. Anyway I have tried some light excercising, like a jog but my head seems to get worse. I would of thought seems I am thinking about something else and the fact there is nothing wrong with me, that I would feel fine. It has even made me feel dizzy at some points.

How do you all go with anxiety and exercise?


08-17-2009, 06:27 AM
hi okky, exercise is very good for anxiety as it releases hormones in your body that will lift your mood and help you to feel good naturally. however i don't think that you should really be feeling dizzy while exercising unless you're doing too much or pushing yourself too hard?

it's also a good idea not to exercise on an empty stomach as you're putting your body under too much pressure to perform without any fuel, so i hope that you have been eating properly or not skipping meals before you exercise? on the other hand it's probably best not to exercise directly after eating a large meal either!

your blurred vision along with pressure in your head & blocked ears sounds to me like your sinuses are blocked up - i feel exactly like this when i have a sinus infection, i also get pressure and pain around the front on my face and down behind my ears. blocked up sinuses can also make you feel dizzy. it might be a good idea to visit your doctor and have him check your sinuses out as an infection is easily treated with an antibiotic.

08-17-2009, 08:14 PM
Hi ya okky

Hows your blood pressure and heart rate while you're exercising and at rest??

If you don't know what it is you should really have it checked. You can get a blood pressure monitor for about 30 dollars.

Most walk in clinics will check your blood pressure for free and even test pressure monitors to ensure they're accurate. If your blood pressure is high before you starting taking pills for it try to bring it down natural ways.


08-18-2009, 07:14 AM
The same happens to me when i excercise, i think its linked to your breathing somehow. I just keep doing in all the same knowing that its good for me, just remember to rest.

08-21-2009, 07:46 AM
I have these symptoms too, and have been told by my therapist that it is probably anxiety. One thing I have noticed is that it is usually better in the evening. I used to think it might be allergies, since pollen is less in the evening. But actually I recently learned that light can be a stressor for someone with anxiety, so I wonder if that's it.

08-22-2009, 02:57 AM
Thanks guys! I seen my doctor and she seems to think it is anxiety. She also said that the exercise problem might be from my blood sugar levels dropping. She said maybe my body is very sensitive to these levels and that I should eat a piece of fruit before exercise. I think maybe you might be right to with the over breathing. Because i exercise alone maybe I am thinking too much and unconciously getting anxious, I am not sure. I feel better to know I am not the only one.