View Full Version : twitching

08-15-2009, 07:37 PM
does anyone else get twitching in their body due to anxiety? I have had it for awhile now. I also get that pins and needles feeling in my legs. Can anyone explain why the twitching and the pins and needles feeling occurs?

08-15-2009, 09:19 PM
I have twitching. In fact it happens all over my body. Mainly in my limbs. It looks like a seizure when I have it. How bad is yours? I haven't heard of anyone else having twitching until now. It makes me feel a little better to know I am not alone.

As for the pins and needles thing, I don't have any experience with that.

I hope we can talk more. Knowing we share this twitching may be great for both of us. I have felt so alone. I don't know why my anxiety comes out in the form of twitching but it is not much fun. Hope we can relate.

08-16-2009, 10:47 PM
I have twitching. In fact it happens all over my body. Mainly in my limbs. It looks like a seizure when I have it. How bad is yours? I haven't heard of anyone else having twitching until now. It makes me feel a little better to know I am not alone.

As for the pins and needles thing, I don't have any experience with that.

I hope we can talk more. Knowing we share this twitching may be great for both of us. I have felt so alone. I don't know why my anxiety comes out in the form of twitching but it is not much fun. Hope we can relate.

Hello there! :D

I have heard that twitching is a very common symptom of anxiety so don't think you are alone. Many people have it when they are suffering from anxiety. Yes I agree the twitching is annoying because it makes me worry even more so it's a problem. Although my twitches are not sivere they are annoying. It's best if you ignore it because the more you pay attention to it, the more twitching you will get. Don't worry though, you are not alone, many people suffering from anxiety have it. It's actually normal. I know some people who have twitches once in awhile and they don't suffer from anxiety. :)

08-17-2009, 03:25 AM
I get that too! :D >_>'

My head twitches a lot, and I *know* it's anxiety. Thankfully it's not noticeable.

Kinda makes me a feel a bit sick sometimes too. It's very compulsive as well lol.

08-17-2009, 07:31 PM
I do not have any experience with twitching but I have felt the pins and needles sensation, mostly in my feet and hands and usually during a full blown panic attack. I have heard that it is due to your body going into that fight or flight mode and your body is getting ready for battle. Blood starts to slow to the extremeties anticipating injury.

kim robin
08-18-2009, 12:38 AM
Hello there! :D

I have heard that twitching is a very common symptom of anxiety so don't think you are alone. Many people have it when they are suffering from anxiety. Yes I agree the twitching is annoying because it makes me worry even more so it's a problem. Although my twitches are not sivere they are annoying. It's best if you ignore it because the more you pay attention to it, the more twitching you will get. Don't worry though, you are not alone, many people suffering from anxiety have it. It's actually normal. I know some people who have twitches once in awhile and they don't suffer from anxiety. :)

I have to agree with you Stella. Twitching is very common to people with anxiety disorders simply because Anxiety makes muscles twitch. Well, in fact I have red a lot of testimonials from people experiencing the same problem. Sometimes the attack could be very frustrating to anyone having it but always remember that you are not alone in this stage of frustration.

08-18-2009, 02:58 AM
I used to have these symptoms too :(

The muscle twitches which we get are normally linked to a lack of Magnesium which is stripped from our bodies during Anxiety. I noticed that its normally the leg muscles and arm muscles that are effected most of all. Also its is believed that Magnesium defecient people have heart palps too. (have a read up on Magnesium its interesting)

The pins and needles is something i had too at the top of my head,hands, legs and soemtimes my feet. Not sure the cause of this, i went towards a circulation problem but the symtoms passed before i could put my finger on it.

08-23-2009, 12:18 AM
lol, this is so funny in an odd way and comforting to see people with the same symptoms.

Along with many other, I have random twitches going off all over my body (literally all over it). Mainly in my quads, and my fingers.

I also have tingling feelings all over my head and back and pins and needles sometimes.

Add in some balance problems, fatigue and tight muscle spasms, and you basically have my every day experience (or more like hell)!

Glad others experience the same things, these kind of symptoms really do make you feel very very alone despite having people around to share it with (who really can't understand unless they experience it first hand).

08-23-2009, 06:10 AM
I tend to get twitches at night when I'm falling asleep, and occasional tingling when I get nervous during the day. All anxiety, nothing to worry about (though of course it usually scares me when it happens).

08-23-2009, 07:01 AM
My twitching and tingling is random, but happens hundreds of times during the day. Nothing triggers it though, just a symptom of my broader problem I guess.

08-24-2009, 12:28 AM
Ohmygosh. I've been having the same sorta symptoms and FREAKING out. For the past...two months I've been having ongoing twitches anywhere from my legs, to my..posterior, to my arms...constantly. It generally worsens when laying down or trying to relax. I've also had episodes where I feel as if I'm about to pass out, I get dizzy and all that good stuff. I have a longgg history of panic attacks, but those have always been just the good ol' heart palputations, sweating and nausea. This twitching is a recent development and my brilliant Web MD'ing self decided I have MS. Could this twitching just be an extension of my anxiety problems then?

08-24-2009, 12:50 AM
Ifrees, I went to a Neurologist with twitching all over my body, along with every other symptom of MS, and the MRI was all clear.

Now the doctor thinks it's anxiety disorders, so twitching sounds like it can definately be a symptom of anxiety. But I imagine, you are living with constant anxiety, not just panick attacks.

08-24-2009, 02:34 AM
Twitching is a very common symptom of Anxiety and the tingling feeling in your hands.

I went on Magnesium for a few weeks and it cleared up :) Not sure if it will help with the tingling in the hands etc, just the twitching that i know of.

08-30-2009, 11:46 PM
I just posted about this, and wish I scrolled down and read this first. I have been twitching all night! I can't sleep and I am so relieved to hear that it's happening to other people, too. It's happening in my legs mostly, but also in my torso a little bit. Like someone else here, I googled and thought I had MS. This twitching is so annoying and I think it is getting worse the more freaked out I get about it. Thank you everyone for sharing. I would like to keep in touch.

09-08-2009, 11:36 AM
I also have twitches.

Sometimes I have a twitchy eye, if it starts in the morning it will usually continue on and off for the rest of the day.
Sometimes one of my legs will twitch when I am trying to fall asleep and wake me up which is annoying as i find it really hard to fall asleep. :(

09-09-2009, 03:14 AM
I get my legs to twitch when Im really anxious.

09-09-2009, 11:08 PM
how freakin amazing, someone brought up the Magnesium thing with the twitching. I read up on it. real interesting.

I to have had twitching, and needels in the arms and legs. I at one time thought i was going to turn up with diabetes or something, I was always shocked when I would go to the Dr, and everything was normal. That in itself would almost make it go away.

I haven't really kept a journal, but I started taking a Magnesium suppliment, and I currently don't have any muscle twitching or needles, but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the magnesium suppliment.

09-10-2009, 07:22 AM
i used to get tingling nearly everyday and pain all down my left side witch i have thought in the past was a stroke or a heart attack! but after seeing the doctor he explained in was trapped nerves probably due to stress tension build up making the muscles pressing on the nerves ect, made sense to me soon as he explained it the pain and tingling went away! only get it now when i have really bad days!

09-13-2009, 01:07 AM
hmm where do you guys get this mag. tablets?

09-14-2009, 05:11 AM
You can buy them from most supermarkets though they are not that good quality. For the UK you can buy them from holland and barrett for around £4-5 not cheap but worth every penny, i found them to be much much better than the ones you get at the supermarkets.

Dont forget it will take a week or two before you notice the affect.

Glad to see its helped someone already as it did me. I still one every now and then myself :)