View Full Version : Hair loss due to anxiety?

08-15-2009, 07:04 AM
Hair loss due to anxiety?

Do hair loss due to telegon effluvium regrow....
I take lot of stress... Thats why I loose lot of hair
what can I do....plz help me what I will do for it ? Thanks in Advance.

08-16-2009, 02:27 PM

Hair is a protein filament. Hair requires a huge amount of protein to grow and maintain a healthy head of hair.

Shampoos and Conditioners can also contribute to hair loss as they are full of chemicals that are harsh on the hair and the scalp so you might want to investigate natural shampoos that don't have the chemical ingredients. Don't rule out a Fungal Infection if this is the case I think you can get Anti-Fungal Shampoos.

Try eating foods high in protein. Whey Protein is a excellent source of protein. Vitamins and MINERALS are very good for the skin, hair teeth and finger nails. If you decide to eat foods high in protein or go the supplement route make sure you eat Pineapple Slices or Papaya (with the food or supplements) they make the stomach produce digestive enzymes which are needed for digestion and absorption of Proteins. You can also look into digestive enzymes that come in pill forms which probably would be the best bet. Eating foods high Protein or taking Whey Protein does not do much if you don't have the proper digestive enzymes in the stomach as the nutrients will just pass through the body.

If you don't have a Fungal Infection Protein should stop the hair loss it might not do much for regrowing the hair you've already lost but at least you can hang on to the hair you have.


08-16-2009, 07:30 PM
Or good professional product would be the Nioxen line, you can find this at most salons, and depending on what type of hair/what stage of thinnning its in you can select from one of the 8 programs.

08-18-2009, 07:25 AM
I was noticing hair loss too :(

To be honest i think this was more related to stress but it started to come out hair by hair not in clumps, more so on the side where it touches my pillow (the side i sleep on most).

I started to use an aloe vera shampoo to try and help it grow again. It seems to have stopped falling out now and apears to be a little heathier and stronger.

As Hanino said it takes up a huge amount of protein so im guessing Anxiety may also deplete our protein resorces but i dont really know that for sure without looking into it further.

God i was worried when this started to happen i didnt want to go bald at my age lol.

08-20-2009, 12:04 AM

Hair is a protein filament. Hair requires a huge amount of protein to grow and maintain a healthy head of hair.

Shampoos and Conditioners can also contribute to hair loss as they are full of chemicals that are harsh on the hair and the scalp so you might want to investigate natural shampoos that don't have the chemical ingredients. Don't rule out a Fungal Infection if this is the case I think you can get Anti-Fungal Shampoos.

Try eating foods high in protein. Whey Protein is a excellent source of protein. Vitamins and MINERALS are very good for the skin, hair teeth and finger nails. If you decide to eat foods high in protein or go the supplement route make sure you eat Pineapple Slices or Papaya (with the food or supplements) they make the stomach produce digestive enzymes which are needed for digestion and absorption of Proteins. You can also look into digestive enzymes that come in pill forms which probably would be the best bet. Eating foods high Protein or taking Whey Protein does not do much if you don't have the proper digestive enzymes in the stomach as the nutrients will just pass through the body.

If you don't have a Fungal Infection Protein should stop the hair loss it might not do much for regrowing the hair you've already lost but at least you can hang on to the hair you have.


Thanks for all the advice I really appreciate it. and dear Hanino - Now i am going to try this also.
Hope its work for me.
and I also love to eat always Pineapple Slices or Papaya ..
- Very nice tips..