View Full Version : Gripped by fear

08-14-2009, 02:19 AM
Hi all, I have never written about my fears before, or joined a forum! But things are getting worse. I am constantly gripped by fear. If I don't have my lists, routines and rituals, I wouldn't get through the day. I fall asleep at 8.30pm each night only to be awake worrying about the day from 1am onwards. I constantly try to avoid everything so that I can stay coocooned at home safe. Going to work each day is torture. My muscles are so sore from being tense. I am on 100mgs of zoloft for depression and ocd symptoms, but my anxiety and panic is getting worse. I have had a heart monitor on recently because the heart paplpitations have been so bad that I thought I might die. Nothing is wrong with my heart as it turns out. How can your body betray you so badly? I need something to relax me. Anyone help?

08-14-2009, 04:32 PM
Hi Shelly,

I'm so sorry things have been getting worse for you. Hopefully joining this forum will help to calm some of your fears. All of us here understand your plight. You'll find that there's an abundant supply of information and guidance here to help you. You're going to get through this Shelly. You're going to be alright.