View Full Version : Extreme paranoia of mostly about Hiv and hpv as a virgin!

08-13-2009, 09:30 AM
19 year old virgin and my first sexual experience(nonsex) was in college with my 19 year old gf after 1 month. shes seems like an honest person and tells me that she only had sex once at 15 with a guy that she was in love with. She said she knew he was a virgin 100 percent because he didn't know what to do, his parents told her that they were really happy that their son finally liked a girl, they hanged out with each other during school every possible minute and after school and talked on the phone for hours, she knew everything about him she could tell how he felt on the phone by his tone variations.

Part 2: heres the technical part
doctors from medhelp who are certified as the best doctors of america having years of std experience hundreds of publications on it and part of the cdc tell me that kissing and fingering(Which is all i did with her) is no risk at all because saliva enzymes and outside temperature/air kill hiv regardless of cuts/sores/gum disease. yet i cant accept this 100 percent because i found this one case that a woman mighta got hiv from kissing her partner they both had bleeding gums. so im thinking what if somehow i fall into that case since its possible, what if i had a spot where there were no saliva on my unnoticed cut/sore and the air somehow wasnt there PLEASE HELP ME!

08-13-2009, 09:33 AM
I'm 19 :D

Have you given any thought to utilizing condoms?
Me and my girlfriend just use condoms ALL the time, regardless of negative tests.

08-13-2009, 09:40 AM
umm the thing is i never had sex all i did was making out and fingering(once only) which doctors have told me repeatedly that nothing is risky about that.

08-14-2009, 04:52 PM
The chances of you having contracted HIV in the way you have described are infintessimal, if that is indeed a real word. The real issue you have is the intensity of your response to this situation. The fact that you have come onto an anxiety forum to look for answers to a medical problem makes me think you know your anxiety about this is irrational. If you want to put a stop to your anxiety on this occasion then you could just go and get tested for every STD you can think of as this would put your mind completely at ease. Of course I fully realise that this is much easier said than done. But you have to accept that having a test is not going to give you HIV - you either have it already or you don't.

Then you could start to look at why you have responded in such an extreme way - do you fear illness generally or is it the shame of HIV in particular?

08-21-2009, 06:16 PM
I would say there is no way you have HIV from that incident. However, the good thing about HIV anxiety is that it can be easily wiped away with a simple blood test. If you don't want peace of mind, order an HIV test online, send it in, and you'll be 100% certain you're negative in a matter of days.