View Full Version : Anxiety sites taking the P!$$

08-13-2009, 02:51 AM
I was doing some surfing around yesterday and found a site on Anxiety which claimed to sort all you problems with a set of CD's hmmmmm yea right. Anyway they had a forum on the site so out of interest i had a look at the responses, most said "wow im cured" "its all gone now thanks" "i feel great" etc etc but there was a tell tale sign. Most of the posts from the people who wrote them were the first post??? Basicly i spotted things like "hi reporting back again to say im cured" (one post from user).

I was angry that these sites are clearly writing there own fake posts to screw Anxiety sufferers over for a few CD's. So i posted with a few choice words for the site owners :)

Today i had an email from someone who had looked at the forum, it was a guy who had bought the CD's for $300 yes $300 and guess what?? They did nothing for him at all.

Let this be a warning to everyone who may consider paying for support on bad sites. Just be carfull these people want your money and dont care about your or me.