View Full Version : Hi im new.. need advice

08-11-2009, 04:21 AM
Hey im new to here, i wish i knew such place existed before.

Erm where to start.. im not sure where youd class me prob insane.. When i was little i was on the way to my weekly dance class at 6am when i needed the loo. my mum wouldnt let me go home to go and no loo's were open, like any normal child i had an accident. Now that was the last time that happened.. but when i was 17 i started getting a phobia of going to new places, i hated it and used to panic with it i got cronic upset stomach. I had it for a while then it went away,
Then when i was 18 i met my now husband, It all came back, the thought of going somewhere new scared me, but this time i was scared id need the loo and wouldnt be able to stop off.. gradually it got worse and worse before i wouldnt even leave the house without knowing where i was going, it even got so bad i marked every loo at every station on the london underground. you could call me obsessive.
Now i wouldnt say im that bad but iv practically put my life on hold because i refuse to go out because im terrified ill have an accident or wont get to a loo. i never go anywhere.
Its starting to annoy my hubby as i refuse to go on holidays. The doctors responce was try some depression pills for a while. No way! they wont help me.. i just dunno how to help myself anymore.

08-12-2009, 04:39 AM
Sounds more like a social phobia but you may need to see a phycoligist to go back to your route problem.

Try and seek some help from your Doctor who will probably refer you.

I cant give you anymore advice as this is not something i have experianced myself but have read about a few times.