View Full Version : Anxiety and Adrenalin rushes

08-11-2009, 12:22 AM
Whats the difference between anxiety and adrenalin rushes?

I would have thought the majority of people love adrenalin rushes, the feeling and all but i hate it

Whenever i get an adrenalin rush i see it as a bad , negative feeling, its hard to accept and hate it when it happens or could this be anxiety?

For instance if ive not seen a member of my family for a long time i get an adrenalin rush when i see them again, but i hate it, i should be happy about seeing them but the adrenalin rush or anxiety makes me negative about seeing them

10-15-2009, 10:14 PM
Anxiety is uneasiness/uncomfortableness or fear of a situation. You don't feel comfortable with the people you are around and don't act yourself. An adrenaline rush is an excitement and spurt of blood flow that makes you more responsive. An adrenaline rush is difficult if you don't have the train of thought of excitement. Most likely you don't know how to accept and harness this adrenaline into fun and thus it turns into fear because your afraid of how to control your body and your thoughts in a faster pace/possibly a more dangerous situation. If this makes any sense to you, I think you are having a tough time with enjoying adrenaline and your turning it into fear. It all depends on what activity it is. If it something you don't like to do, it will be a scare and yes, anxiety and fear arise. What exactly are you doing?

Oh, ok I read the last of your post. So here it is, your first instinct is adrenaline because your excited, but I believe you place anxiety within your adrenaline and thus you make yourself uncomfortable to talk with them. You should be happy and comfortable, you are with family. You have nothing to fear, a family member should be there to support you.