View Full Version : Tired of feeling alone

08-10-2009, 04:33 PM
I am new here and just want to know I am not alone. I have been suffering from anxiety for a long time now and I just feel so alone. I have one friend who has anxiety attacks occasionally, but I don't really think she understands what it is like for me every day. When I have anxiety attacks they look like seizures. I have had to have friends hold my limbs down so I don't hurt myself. The attacks are not true seizures because I have had several EEG's and MRI's and I am not epileptic. I am just anxious. I guess what I am looking for is some encouragement. Some support. To meet people who are in the same boat or at least a similar boat. If you can help please respond. It would mean a lot to this 19 year old who is tired of feeling alone.

08-10-2009, 05:08 PM
Hi JennySteal08,

You are most definitely not alone, honestly, we can all relate to how you're feeling. There are so many ways to overcome this disorder. There is hope, I promise you! Some people notice improvement with taking vitamin supplements (read Hanino's post) others have improved by eating more healthy foods (read Northstar) and others find that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has helped them. Pick and choose what suits you best and give them all a try. I'm sure you'll find yourself feeling a little better every day just knowing that you have a lot of friends here to help you through! :)

08-10-2009, 06:30 PM
Hi Jenny,
You're not alone although even though it may seem that way sometimes. Maybe give working out a try. I find that if I am really tired either from working out or work in the office I don't have the energy to be anxious. I would also suggest the book "Thoughts and Feelings" if you are interested in trying out cognitive therapy as Charlene mentioned.

kim robin
08-10-2009, 07:21 PM
Hi Jenny!

Always remember that you are not alone and I know how it feels. Joining in this forum can help you a lot. If you have something to tell just post it here and we'll be here to guide you. Always have someone to talk to so you won't feel so alone. Keep thinking positively Jen...

08-11-2009, 02:54 AM
Panic attacks are always scary no matter how many times you have one :(

The good news is they can be beaten if you put your mind to it. I used to have panic attacks weekly but now i hav not experianced one for a long long time. I think that they can be triggered by either a stressfull event or what you eat/drink. Once i stopped having Caffine and suger along with some Magnesium it eventually stopped all together, there was one point where i had a mild attack and gues what i did by mistake?? I drank some coke Doh!!!

Like Kim said think possitive and focus on getting better not your problems :)