View Full Version : another world

02-22-2006, 12:36 PM
does anyone ever feel like all the sudden they just snapped into another world and everything changes. like u just feel different and like its all the sudden a different life because i was just invited to my friends house to jam for a little bit and i started to have anxiety and a really nervous stomach and i know thats all anxiety but then i just like snapped into a different perspective of things its prob. just my mind trying to play tricks on me and egt me to not go to my friends house but nonetheless its damn scary and is that just the unreality thing or what any input would be great thanx - Caseman

02-22-2006, 02:46 PM
hey case yea sounds like areally bad case of unreality it changes from time to time i had that same thought before in an episode i felt like the world had defentily changed in my eyes but like you said its just your mind playing tricks on you did you go? i hope you did i know thats a big way i got ova the unreality thingswasi just saidfuck it i'm doin wut i want and i kno wut reality is i mean i know everything looks different but look harder and everything is the same as its always been and thats how i worked through that part of my anxiety everytime it happened i'd just look harder and realize life has always look the same its just a really uneasy feelin all i can say is your not crazy and your not goin crazy your anxiety is at it peak point right now so the only way for you to go is the right way up so look at it thatway man hang in there it won't last trust me it does go away i went through it and man did it suck but you know what i'm stronger now and i appreciate life so much ore now because i've ben to hell and back and the journey sucks but in the end all of us who suffer have a new found love for life becuase we know what its like feel out of place and disconnected from the world take it easy man and look at the sky once and awhile it helps puts everything in perspective good luck man stay strong

02-22-2006, 03:30 PM
yep i can understand this

I just went to the pub to see chelsea vs barcalona, (great game btw) and i was fine there with me and 1 friend. I text messaged another friend to get him to come and then my world went upside down and i started to worry. I wasnt drinking cos i drove and i just had to concentrate on the football match to keep my cool ( i love going to the pub to watch sport cos if i focus on sport my anxiety goes away). When this other guy arrived instantly I was fine again


02-22-2006, 03:39 PM
Hey Casey - I agree with Leftie and Scatmantom. That has happened to me many times. I'm just doing whatever and feel fairly ok, and then an invite or something I don't expect comes up, nothing big, like need to go to the store for something and I start to feel weird - not high anxiety, but more like disoriented. Things look different visually, hard to explain...light starts to bother my eyes and even though everything is the same it seems different. That starts the anxiety which then hits my stomach and I feel nauseous and dizzy; and if I keep rolling with it, I end up panicking if I don't stop myself.

It's anxiety - anticipatory anxiety. I've had anxiety a billion times, but I tell myself when I start to feel weird that it's anxiety unless I have a temperature. I have to keep reassuring myself over and over, and it goes away.

I use to wear out those digital thermometers, and always kept one in my purse!

It's anxiety, babe. Simple put, but terribly scary :( .

tie - soshy

02-22-2006, 03:56 PM
hey guys i ended up goin and now that im home i feel absolutely horrible my anxiety is through the roof i pray it gos away soon thanx for the replys ttyl - Casey

02-22-2006, 05:21 PM
hey case man its gonna goe away it always u know that just try and chill do sumthin u like or even this works for me take a showa clean yourself and picture yourself washin your anxiety away its works for me ifeel so much better when i'm clean but hey u wanna hear anxiety i just went to the atm and thought it was gonna start talkin to me like in american pyscho lol it was crazy or my g/f bought scissors and first thing was omg what if lol i cut my finger off lol this shits a trip good luck tho keep me posted

02-22-2006, 05:56 PM
wat up leftie...i feel better now im not really panicing nemore just mad tired...i love taking showers when having anxiety, sometimes i feel like shit or it gets worse while im in the shower but when i get out i def feel better...thats funny about the atm thing lol the other day me and my friend were skippin class and i couldnt find him in the parking lot and i thought that i died becuase i couldnt find him and there was no one else around lol ...shit man im tired so im gonna go to bed ttyl man thanx - Casey

02-23-2006, 07:52 PM
hey man how u feeling today everything come back to as normal as it can be just checkin in

02-23-2006, 08:20 PM
hey man, yah today was better i still had the unreality thing all day but i didnt have the snappin into another world thing... it usually fluxuates and differs throughout the day tonight was bad but during the day was tolerable. thanx alot for checkin in def. means alot man take it easy ttyl - Casey

02-23-2006, 08:59 PM
no prob always there to help someone goin through the same shit glad to hear its gettin lil better day by day how the meds working they kickin in yet i was also wonderin where in mass you from i'm orrignally from lawrence let me know take it easy man