View Full Version : Can't cope anymore

08-10-2009, 09:38 AM
This past few weeks I feel like my anxiety has taken a turn for the worse. When I go to bed at night I worry I'm gona have an anxiety attack, when I get up in the morning I worry about it.

My sex drive is completely non existent at the moment which I believe is partly down to the anxiety...I just have NO sex drive at all, I used to be mad for it all the time. Every other day my fiance and I had sex, now it's more like once or twice a fortnight, and half the time that's only cuz he wants it...

It's really getting me down and I feel so alone. I don't know what to do, I feel like I want to die sometimes. Help!

08-10-2009, 03:19 PM
hey, im so sorry youre feeling this way. Its awful when anxiety gets this bad, bit you CAN beat it!

Are you taking any vitamins etc? there is loads of excellent advice on here about things worth trying, i swear by vitamin B and most recently amino acids, magnesium and L-glutamine. Have you tried exercise? that can often help as it releases lots of feel good endorphins and it might help improve your sex drive. Make sure youre eating a healthy diet too and drinking lots of water.

When it comes to sex, i know when youre feeling anxious its often the last thing you feel like. I dont know about you though but i find, if i do feel anxious, having sex often helps me feel better. also i find often that even if i dont really feel like having it, if i give it a try i get into it and end up really enjoying it. Maybe that would be worth a try, even when your body doesnt really feel like it, you know that usually you love having sex and you wish you felt like that now, so just have a go and see if you can get into it..? i hope that makes some sense.

i hope you find something that works for you, you can beat the anxiety. look after yourself and dont beat yourself up about how you are feeling.

08-11-2009, 02:59 AM
If you worry too much your mind will enter a tired state and some things you normally enjoy or do are just dont seem important, been here myself so dont worry about it.

kattchi is right you need to give your body some support to enable you to feel better so give the vitamins a try and some mild exercise.

You probably have very mixed up feelings to, but dont worry its all part of it and will pass, rememer you need to help your body out so it can be strong enough to overcome Aniexty.

Good luck