View Full Version : Everything is Wrong

08-09-2009, 02:44 PM
I been suffering from anxiety for a few months now. It first started with me thinking im suffering from heart problems i went hospital and had tests and told i was fine. But still having been told this i still worried about having heart attacks etc. I had trouble getting to sleep breaking out in sweats. Plus a whole load of other symptoms
Recently i have just been on holiday for a week, before the holiday i was feeling pretty good i seemed to have calmed down about thinking everything is wrong with me. I was going out drinking having a good time and not worrying. But i came down with a really bad cold on holiday and I started to think i had swine flu. I had a cold for the last few days of the holiday and i really started to worry about dying i couldnt get to sleep at all. When i came home i got a really bad pressure in my head and i am now convinced i have a brain tumour.
I talk to my mum about what i am going through and she is really understanding plus she is a nurse so it helps alot. I feel like i need to go to the hospital to put my mind at ease and see if i can get a test done.
My head as been all over the place past few days its like im back to square one. But at the same time im thinking i actually have a brain tumour. Plus im not a person who suffers rom headaches which i now do.

I really dont know what to do :cry:

Any help would be welcome


08-10-2009, 05:22 PM
Hi MorningGlory,

Being a new sufferer to anxiety can be very, very frightening. You did the right thing by going to the hospital and having those tests done. The good news is, you are healthy! So often, people with anxiety fear they have a brain tumour. It's a very common worry, so hopefully that helps put you at ease a little bit.

There is much information on this forum to help you learn about your disorder. Have a read around, and you'll see that you are not alone. You can try out the many different pieces of advice offered here and see what works best for you. I'm sure you'll find something that helps calm your symptoms. :)

08-11-2009, 02:50 PM
Hello Charlene
I just need to start thinking positive which im finding hard to do. But i realise when i just sit down and think about the pressure in my head it gets worse. I decided i need to start doing more, get out of the house more to take my mind off the symptoms.

Thanks again your reply has made me feel alot better :)