View Full Version : My Story and looking for people like me

08-08-2009, 09:41 PM
I have been struggling with anxiety for several years now and I have finally decided to try and find people that are in the same boat as I am. So here goes.

About 3 years ago I had an anxiety attack that at the time we thought was a seizure. Thus my battle began. I had several more "seizures" and would have to leave school. I usually could feel them coming and go to the nurses office and lay down and let them come over me then call my dad and he would come get me. I missed a lot of school because of them. Meanwhile we were trying to figure out what was wrong. I had several EEG's and several MRI's. All came back with nothing wrong. I was going to a Neologist who kept giving me anti-seizure meds and would change them every week because they all gave me side effects that were worse then the panic attacks/seizures. I finally found a better Neurologist and he deduced that I had anxiety issues. I found this a little discouraging, but at least I had a step in a different direction. I am now on Xanax and Paxil. They help, but I still fight to keep from having anxiety attacks.

I have realized that it is not just social stress but physical stress that causes them. I am sexual active and I have found that I start to feel them coming on in the middle of intercourse (which really sucks). I have decided that I can't take this alone any more. My family and friends are always there for me, but don't understand what it is like to have an axiety attack that feels like a seizure. They don't know what it is like to have friends hold your arms and legs down because you might hurt yourself otherwise. They don't know how tough it is to have shaky hands day end and day out. I just want to talk to people who understand. Is there anyone on here that has either seizure like anxiety attacks or has hands that shake all the time? If so I would love to get to know you and what you do to cope. I am in need of some support. Thanks

08-09-2009, 03:46 AM
Hi jenny, you are one of millions of people that suffer from anxiety and like me its sounds like you went through hell just to find out what was wrong. it must have been terrible the not knowing the worry and the fear. I know how hard that is. But you've got through the worse, the not knowing. now you know what's going on you can start finding a way forward. There is lots of good advice on here and many people in the same boat.
For me reteaching my bad thoughts/worry and stopping the cycle of worry helped me through. Talk to your doctor find out what help is available for you.
Anxiety at certain times/situations is one of the cycles where you mind remembers the last time and triggers the anxiety cycle again, you probably don't even notice you mind doing it, i didn't. A few things i did at these times.
1. i talked to who i was with, explaining what was going on.
2. when the anxiety started i told myself "its just the old anxiety again, nothing serious, just let it pass" just try on your own letting the panic do its own thing, i was surprised that as soon as i stopped fighting it, it subsided.
3. lie on the bed, breath deep and slowly, say relax to yourself when you breath out, when your mind starts racing visualise a stop sign.
4. find something fun to keep your mind occupied.
5. try not to avoid situations that make you panicy, its hard but the only way to reteach you mind that those situations are nothing to be affraid of.

it will take time, be patient, don't give up :)

keep your doctor in the loop.