View Full Version : Any tips for early mornings?

08-08-2009, 04:05 PM
Hi, I'm new to this forum but am a 34 year old man and have suffered from anxiety for a number of years, it usually hits really bad in the mornings so can stop me wanting to get up, it can stay with me for a good part of the day and then seems to disappear in the evening times. Anyone got any tips on how to ease it first thing in the morning? Thank you all

08-08-2009, 05:33 PM
I had this, I felt like I had an elephant on my chest or was so apathetic
I just could not get up.

I made some progress by sitting down each night and making a plan for the next day. I would write on a piece of paper what I was going to do starting with get up and exercise, shower, eat breakfast, run errands, etc.

Then in the morning I tried to follow my schedule. For me I didn't feel overwhelmed and panicky in the morning,,,,I had thought about what I needed to do and was able to follow my script. Of course, if my schedule was changed or something happened I needed to adjust for I would just be lost. Also, it took many months of working this strategy before it worked well for me.

Good luck, please let us know how you are doing.

08-08-2009, 05:46 PM
Hi decoy37,

You're actually doing not too badly considering you're not being hit with anxitey 24 hours a day. I imagine the daily hussle keeps you distracted enough to get your mind off of how you're feeling, thus helping you get through your days and evenings a little better. As for first thing in the morning, your awareness of this "anxiety schedule" has you bringing it on yourself automatically, as a habit. You've conditioned your mind to do a body sweep from the moment you wake up, and it obeys you. It does that sweep, checking for your heart rate, checking for the dizzies, checking for that pressurized heaviness over you. And you recognize this yet again, as another day starting off with anxiety symptoms, just as yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. Everytime you recylce that thought first thing in the morning, it gives you the same response. Same unbearable feelings. To stop the cycle, you need to change that first thought. It's hard. It will take tremendous will power on your part. But you are fully capable. You are in charge of your thoughts.

So when you roll over in the morning and open your eyes and you notice you doing that same old habitual body sweep, tell yourself "Okay. I feel funny today. But that's okay. I have anxiety. Lots of people have this. It's not going to hurt me." Use only positive self talk. Don't start the day with "Oh no. Figures. It's still here. Damn it! When is this gonna stop? I hate feeling this way. What's wrong with me, it should be gone by now?" Don't do that to yourself. It keeps you in that state of anxiety. You're basically feeding your anxiety its favourite breakfast with thoughts like that. Change your thoughts, and keep them changed, don't revert back to the negative self talk. Like I said though, it takes a lot of effort, probably more than you've ever exerted ever in your life.

And don't expect a miracle in one or two days. You have been thinking this same way for years, it will take quite some time to undo all of that. You need to consistently and willfully apply positive self talk on yourself ALL THE TIME. Eventually you will stop becoming afraid of the physical feelings, which will then stop you from obsessing on those physical symptoms.

08-09-2009, 10:36 AM
hi decoy,

anxiety in the early morning can be an indicator of low blood sugar because you haven't eaten anything throughout the night. low bloof sugar is a major cause of anxiety that not many people are aware of and it's very easy to sort out through diet :)

try eating a good wholesome breakfast as soon as you can after you wake up. if you're really bad keep a banana by your bedside and eat it first thing when you wake up. eating a good breakfast will bring your blood sugar levels back up to normal and help you feel better. try to avoid caffeine, sugary cereals or things like white break - anything thats sugary basically. have something like a boiled egg with a slice of wholemeal toast or some museli, these kinds of meals will set you up for the morning and make you feel a lot better. never ever ever skip breakfast as it will only make you feel worse!

give it a try and see if it works for you :)

08-09-2009, 11:51 AM
excellent advice their northstar. for the past few months ive been suffering from anxiety which is worse in the mornings, and about a week ago i started keeping a banana by the bed and eating some as soon as im awake, and im feeling so much better!

Ive started taking amino acids, magnesium and L-glutamine as well (along with all the other vits etc ive been taking for months) and they seem to really help me too.

Thinking about the following day before you go to sleep is also a great idea. I try and do some postive visualisation as im relaxing and starting to fall asleep. I imagine waking up and feeling positive and full of energy and think about all the things ill do the next day and how ill feel positive and free from fear and anxiety as i do them. It seems to help.

Good luck, i hope you find something that works for you.

08-10-2009, 08:52 AM
Have to agree with Northstar on this one.

Some people have found that a long shower helps to but all you can do is try this to see if it works.