View Full Version : i could do with some support right now

08-08-2009, 01:36 PM
hey all
feeling all over the place today and i could do with some positive vibes from you guys to help get me back on track - had a meeting with the boss at work yesterday and he was saying things like 'maybe we pay you too much', 'you need to do more to prove you're worth your salary', 'we're have a reorganisation and if you don't prove your value you might have a problem'. as you can imagine, that sent me into a right tailspin - i thought he was perfectly happy with my work, and this came out of the blue - i've been completely stressed out since - thinking i could end up out of work, mortified that they don't think i'm doing a good job when i try so hard - having a real problem calming myself down and putting it all into perspective - any comments from people out there to help me out would be really appreciated

08-08-2009, 02:07 PM
Hiya moggy,
I'm sorry to hear about your jerk of a boss. With the economy being the way it is companies are trying to squeeze their employees for every last drop, with no consideration for their feelings. Take some comfort in the fact that they talked to you instead of just letting you go.

If something happens to your job it will be painful and at first you may think that it's the worse thing ever. But you WILL get through it. That's what we do. In the end it may even be a good thing. Who wants to work for someone who did what your boss did to you for no reason?

In the meatime just remember that they are watching. Try to have as good as an attitude you can muster and keep records of anything else that is said to you about your job or performance.

Hang in there buddy.