View Full Version : I think a movie gave me an anxiety attack...?

08-07-2009, 11:51 PM
Me and my friends were watching Jack Ketchum's Girl Next Door...

and it got to the part where they had the teenage girl bound up and tied and raped in the basement... and they started killing her by welding her vagina with a blowtorch... and...


well, I was extremely stressed out by this one scene... and... I sorta... lost reality.

Like, I was laying on the couch, and just watching the movie and getting really nervous, and all of a sudden... my vision kinda fades, everyones voice and sounds are very distant and muffled, I'm getting sorta blurry kaieldoscopic patterns in front of my eyes. My mind at this point is completely untuned and... lost, I can say.

Slowly, in a matter of maybe 30 seconds or so, i really can't accurately tell you, my... awareness comes around, and slowly everyones voice comes back and I can focus on my sorroundings again. Now I'm nauseous so I get up and stumble to the bathroom. I turn on the cold shower, and wet my head, and the feeling goes away.

I stumble back to the couch, and I realize nobody noticed I was even "gone" at all. I explained to them what just happened and they said I must have just had a "head-rush" for some reason while I watched the movie, and the movie probablly had nothing to do with it.

Somebody else suggested that I may have just had a slight siezure of some sort (they said it's called a "petit mal"), and somebody else suggested I may have fainted without anyone noticing.

Other's just told me I may have just forgot to breathe properly from just getting stressed out at the movie.

The one that piqued my interest was that I had a panic attack from the stress... and I looked it up and it seemed to fit... but... I wanted for somebody to confirm or deny what I experienced can be labelled as a panic attack.

But I'm a 17 year old male, and I'm pretty used to disturbing crap in film, so I really don't know what happened. Any ideas? :?

08-12-2009, 08:56 AM
Hmmm you got me at the cold shower.

Do you think you may have a circulation problem? The reason why i am asking is because some people with circulation problems use hot and cold showers to get their blood moving. Cold showers make the blood rush to vital organs to keep them going and hot allows it to run more freely all the way to the fingertips. What they do is enter a cold shower then make it hot fast then back to cold and so on.

Was you drinking or eating anything around the time you was watching the movie?

Doesnt sound like a panic attack either.

Maybe it was just the shock of the movie hard to say. If it happens again look more into it and see your Doctor.

08-16-2009, 12:45 PM
I would find that very disturbing. Some movies really get to me. I get very upset about innocent people being harmed, and I think it would be possible to have an attack over it. I don't think I want to see that movie!

08-27-2009, 07:39 PM
I think it is possible to have had a bout of anxiety brought on my the scene in the movie. It happened to me during Sweeney Todd (the end scenes--I won't say anything more.) And I also cannot watch anything about true crime that involves murders or child predators, or most horror films.

I made the mistake of watching the first Saw movie. That one sent me into several days and nights of anxiety and excessive worry.

It sounds like that scene was particularly graphic--<shudders at the thought>

08-28-2009, 06:27 AM
I hated "Saw"! Real life is disturbing enough, there are some sick movies out there!

09-01-2009, 08:49 PM
Mine last week was pretty simple. "inglorious Bastards" with brad pit. Every time a certain NAZI character came on, he bugged the crap out of me. About the third seen he was in I felt so Anxious, later on the movie i really thought i was going to have walk out of the theater, thought i was going to have a pannic attack or something. Wasn't even gruesome. Just his character.

Told my coucilor bout it, said to look just a little further into it, and he might resemble someone in my past. I'm not quite sure. I think he just erked me because he was so fake..