View Full Version : Hi, I'm new

08-07-2009, 03:34 PM

I have been anxious all my life, I used to worry I would stop breathing when I was very young, 6 or so. I am 44 now, married for 21 years, 3 kids, very successful financially and generally pretty happy. I still have anxiety and panic attacks; I have never been on medication, but I cope with cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation and journaling. I sought help in my late teens in college after escaping a fairly dysfunctional family situation and getting out on my own. I remember therapy was horribly expensive and I had to work extra to cover the bills, but it worked so I did what I had to do.

I feel like I have been extremely fortunate....

8 months ago my brother died a horrible death due to cirrohsis, I have had increasing anxiety and panic since then and have reentered therapy to deal with all this.

I came to this forum because I thought it would be nice to chat with other people with anxiety problems and learn from them. I still feel I am a fortunate person but then the anxiety hits and it still amazes me that it can come out of "nowhere" and completely knock me flat to the point I don't want to get out of bed or I have to sit down or I think I will die.

I'm glad you are all here, I hope I can learn something that will help or can offer something that will help another.