View Full Version : take effexor at bed?

08-06-2009, 05:15 AM
I am terrified of antidepressants although I have taken them in the past and they have helped, I am definetly on a loop when it comes to taking the pills/ feeling better / stop taking them and relapse. However I have not been on any for a number of years. I have social anxiety but recently it is more the depression that I feel, I feel I have had the anxiety so long it has finally zapped the spirit in me down. I have good parts of the day but I feel very mad at myself that I have gotten to this point. I am living overseas right now and my boyfriend knows some of my conditgion but doesn't understand it, he supports me just we don't speak about it because I think it is kinda like if its not talked about its not there, I also don't feel like telling him everyday updates on how I feel for it makes me feel like I am this damaged person. I know I am this strong confident person inside I am jsut buried under this weight at the moment, I was prescribed some effexor awhole ago and am almost ready to take it, I want to take it at bed so I can skip any wierd feelings it might bring, any recommendations? thanks

08-06-2009, 07:56 PM
I take 150 mg's before every night. If you do decide to start taking it make sure to take it with food. Even if you do take it at night you may still experience some side effects.