View Full Version : Common Sense

02-21-2006, 03:05 PM
hey all i really just started thinking bout this the other day through all my anxiety ova the last months i compl,etely forgot my my greatest assest and i might not be the only one i know lots of us deal with the what ifs and all the other fears of anxiety but i finally stopped and thought about it i completely forgot bout my common sense all these fears i've felt i never stopped to say hey this just a crazy thought i always just dwelled on it and let it build and til i'd just panic i've gone from illness to death to even losing control of myself and freaking but never once did i stop to say hey i have all the common sense in the world to say these things are irrational i've never once questioned myself til anxiety took a hold of me and i'll be damn i've i'm gonna let it do it anymore i'm using all my common sense i've been given in this life to know i run this life not anxiety and i'll be damn if i let this go on any further i'm gonna start using this brain i was given to be rational i know myself i think we all know ourself and i'm sure we've all gone from one fear to another but i don't think at least me personally to say this is just common sense i neva had this before i don't have it now i was never worried bout this before so wut makes me think its gonna happen now i just completely had it with this anxiety and medication thing i was fine before and i'll be fine again i finally just basically said to myself f you brain this my life and if your gonna mess with me i'm ust gonna take kick it in the ass and keep on truckin i will be fine i don't care what docs say oh this can be controlled with therapy and meds how bout just good old common sense and realise we don't have to be scared anymore we just create this fear and we can rid ourselves of at least i think so i'm ready start living my life again and i hope you all will take this info and try it too have a good day all

02-21-2006, 03:46 PM
here here

I had a revelation like this some time ago...it really was a turning point. Its great to jsut embrace the anxiety with a new courage having realised that its just a pathetic trick your mind is playing to try and ruin things. For the intelligent part of the body...the brain is a bit stupid! I mean surly its the brains interest for the body as a whole to enjoy life and have a good time?

02-21-2006, 04:04 PM
thanx scatman good to know there another that just decided you know what i don't wanna play this game anymore with myself that is so correct tho to find the courage in ourselves to say i will overcome this no matter what it throws at you thanx for writng in have a good one

02-21-2006, 04:41 PM
hell yah leftie thats def. a good way to look at it and conquer it i havnt had a panic attack in awhile becuase i stopped doin wat u said thinkin about it. ive had pretty damn bad anxiety attacks but def from using common sense and sayin i know im not gonna die and im gonna be fine helped me not panic...so fuck yah man ttyl - Casey

02-21-2006, 06:19 PM
thanx case glad to here you fought off a panic its makes you feel great to know u do have the power keep it up and the approach i'm takin seems to be the only one thats working so far so thanx for the reply