View Full Version : How do you try to explain?

08-06-2009, 12:40 AM
Right now it is 1:34 am and I am still awake. My anxiety has been off the charts today and I am not sure how much more I can take. All I want to do is sleep so I can start over. My boyfriend woke up and asked me why I wasn't sleeping. I said I didn't know. He doesn't understand what I go through on a daily basis and I get the feeling he thinks I am just a crazy, overly emotional woman. I'm sure it doesn't help my case considering I just started crying but how can he understand that this isn't my fault and I would do anything to change it? I left and went to the spare bedroom so he can sleep in peace. I have to get better.

08-06-2009, 01:46 PM

have you spoken to him about your anxiety? i mean in general not just tonight? I know its hard when you live with someone and you suffer from anxiety, i always feel so bad for my poor boyfriend and know it must be hard for him to understand, but it helps to try and explain.

Have you expained that you dont know why you feel the way you do but you cant help it? And that you hate feeling that way and really want to feel okay? I find it helps when trying to explain to my boyf, i know he cant understand what im feeling too well, but i want him to know that i really dont want to feel the way i do and im trying everything i can to feel better.

I dont know all the symptoms of your anxiety, but are you taking anything/doing anything to try and alleviate it? vitamin B is always a good place to start, and amino acids and magnesium seem to be helping a lot of people on here, myself included. anyway, i hope youre okay and manage to get some sleep.

08-06-2009, 02:28 PM
I remember when I had my first anxiety attack. I talked to my wife about it but didnt' know how to explain it. Then a while later I met someone who had anxiety and he discribed anxiety like something you were trying to run away from but could not.

08-06-2009, 03:27 PM
maybe you could show him some of the posts on this site? maybe the one about anxiety symptoms, so he can start to understand abit more about the condition?

i know when you say you have anxiety to most people they just seem to think youre having a bit of a worry about something, they dont understand how far reaching and complex it can be.

08-07-2009, 04:42 PM
from my experience its quite important to try and explain everything thats going on with your partner, its very difficult for someone who hasn't experienced panic attacks/anxiety to understand how isolated and lonely you can feel. i found that after talking about it i felt alot better. also it may be scary for your partner to see you suffering without knowing how they can help , so explain what you need and how you are feeling,and reassure them that its something that you can both solve together. i have been in your situation many times, don't worry , you can get through it, just don't do it alone. sharing your worrys puts them in perspective then they don't seem so bad.